
"…there's only one statistic that matters at the end of the game."

Hey! What was wrong with Pat Summerall? I sincerely miss his and Madden's play by play in yon olden days.

That movie was quite prescient, what with the rise of reality television and the fame bestowed upon the utterly banal.

I just meant that around here and other internet parts, GoNY seems to get shat on quite a bit. It might just be inevitable because Scorsese has made so many fantastic and unbelievable films that even a solidly good film is considered disappointing. Or maybe some people are just racist against big hats.

I understand your criticism, but I would say that one of the major themes of the movie was that New York City was more of a main character than Bill the Butcher or Amsterdam (DiCaprio's character). If it had been solely Amsterdam's or Bill's story Scorsese would not have included the Draft Riots.

All I read was "Crusher" and "stripper".


Thank you. There's also the idea that those who scream for the prohibition of violence in art seem to believe that by hiding away dark images, bad things won't happen in the world. I have no tolerance for that point of view.

Quite right, nice analysis. I don't think you can understate the influence of the Vietnam war on America and people of my generation, who came up at the very end of all that without experiencing it directly, have to struggle to contextualize it in films of this era.

I actually feel that way about quite a few of Scorsese's films. Last Temptation of Christ. Goodfellas. Even the universally reviled Gangs of New York, which I love because fuck y'all. :) Can't argue the man has a gift.

Agreed. Say what you will about Dowd, but this article was well written and obviously well thought out by someone who loves film. Now about that Iron Man 3 review…(just kidding!)

I don't mean to be pedantic, but you do mean Goodfellas, right? It just doesn't sound right in the proper grammar of "Good Fellows". That sounds more like a British bromance comedy, which I'd probably watch.

"…at least, we don’t get a scene of Sisko, Kira, and Jake shooting a bunch of unarmed, but angry, Bajorans…"


Ok, who brought the targ?

Good point on Sacrifice. It's kind of the point where the rubber meets the road and Sisko realizes the Prophets mean business.

I'd agree with you if it was pre-"Rapture" Sisko, no way would he let Jake stay in danger; flood the mother fuckin' station with all the chronoton particles!.

It's refreshing to see that the stigmatization of drug and alcohol addiction is still alive and well in America.

Take the kid anyplace where he shuts up for a couple of hours, who gives a fuck. And keep them away from the theatres where adults are trying to enjoy a film in peace.

I had paper bags stashed with frankincense in the kitchen, I had a sugarbowl full of myrrh next to the bed. Anything I wanted was a camel's ride away. Free sheep, the keys to a dozen hideout caves all over Judea, I'd bet 20 or 30 shekels over a weekend and either blow the winnings over the week or go to the temple to