
@avclub-f5a708494dac82a9bf78263ef72307b2:disqus We don't have room for violent offenders in our justice system! We need the space for all these fucking junkies! How else they gonna be learned how for not to be junkies all the time?

Good idea! Then after his prison sentence he could start as a QB in the NFL. That'll teach 'em that crime doesn't pay.

Maybe Ray didn't get the memo either.

I don't know what that means, but it sounds disgusting.

If you felt "cheated" or "creeped" by historic Communist allegories in a GEORGE GODDAMN ORWELL NOVEL maybe you shouldn't be writing about literature, eh?

"We've made a huge mistake."

"Mon frere" es hermano en francés. Yo no sé por qué sé eso, yo tomé cuatro años de español!

Huh. Are you me?

@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus "…something something Seven of Nine out of uniform something something…"

Oh very clever. Eat any good books lately?

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus …wha? There was no implication that Ender was a Mormon in any of the books; in fact he converted to Catholicism when he stayed on Lusitania. I am no defender of OSC and he certainly uses some of his works as vehicles for Mormon doctrine (Folk of the Fringe, or the

Funny how many Starfleet admirals "Don't-Get-This-or-That" over the course of the serieses. I'm surprised that Starfleet and the Federation still exist at all.

@avclub-bbb3af3d466d7231aa738ff95762091d:disqus I find it jarring because it makes the dialogue actually sound stupid, like a 3-year old making up words. It's not because I don't grasp the references. I know what the term Circassian plague cat is supposed to conjure up in the mind, but it still sounds stupid. Say it


It's unfortunate that the weeks didn't line up so we get In Purgatory's Shadow and By Inferno's Light in the same review. I hate cliffhangers!

I actually find it very jarring when Trek tries to "sci-fi" up the non-tech dialogue.  Anytime someone mentions a character is as "mean as a Telerian razorcat", or even in this week's episode, Kira reflects that she was considered having the "heart of a sinoraptor", it just makes my skin crawl. It diminishes the

You want to tempt the wrath of the whatever from high atop the thing??

I prefer prune juice.

It's vile!