
Very fantastic, underrated game, just finished a playthrough a few weeks ago. The interface was byzantine, but once you learn it it's not so bad.

Licensing. Let some other poor dumb bastard do all the work.

For Christmas in ' 93, my parents got me an awesome PC (well, it was awesome to me), like a 486 25Mhz processor and Win 3.1. It was great! But then, a week or so after Christmas, I was begging my parents for a copy of X-Wing that I had seen at like Software Etc. or something. They bought it for me and it was also

It's on Netflix as well.

"Clark, when you have children, you always have family. They will always be your priority, your responsibility. And a man, a man provides vacations. And he does it even when he's not appreciated or respected or even loved. He simply bears up and he does it. Because he's a man on vacation."

Nice to meet fellow West Wing fans in the DS9 forum. Wonder how big that crossover community is.

Well Leo is always the one pushing Jed to bomb this terrorist base or illegally assassinate this foreign dignitary or not sign war tribunal legislation. I imagine the founders probably replaced Leo during one of his stints in rehab.

@avclub-f42523df3fafe56f111474dc70679dcf:disqus That episode is Season 7, "The Siege of AR 558". That's a great one without a doubt.

Oh I get it. It's very clever.

I just don't think these jokes are of the appropriate scale for this kind of blockbuster movie.

You mean this?

That's really amazing, another bloke here who had no idea. Why do you think Nolan cast it that way? Couldn't find an extra who looked like Jackman enough (That's probably not surprising)? Or was it another foreshadow of the Borden twist?

@avclub-4c562a922dda29172f86955ed505472e:disqus : She's in congress?

Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.

"…He's charged as a member of savage, dangerous child race…"

Well then, @avclub-0806ebf2ee5c90a0ca0fd59eddb039f5:disqus has spoken. Guess there's no need for further conversation. Sorry to have wasted your time; we wouldn't want a discussion with different points of view to break out here, that'd be chaos.

@AmaltheaElanor:disqus , I second the Patrick Stewart comment, it's almost a cognitive dissonance whenever I see / hear him speaking. At times I want to tell him to stop being so funny / cheerful because it's so out of character, which is of course a ridiculous impulse. It's what you get for being such a great actor,


I agree with Chico_McDirk, I imagine the prison device was designed for Agrathi minds and the effects on O'Brien's human mind were then probably unanticipated and unintentional (though, still, the Agrathi are dicks).

Might want to throw some SPOLIERS up there, but quite right. I think Garrak is not long for his brave new cardassian world, or what's left of it. It's a very subtle, poignant scene and I think Dr. Bashir is too shell-shocked by the carnage to fully recognize the depth of anguish Garrak is languishing in.