A Duggar on birth control! It really is true that every cloud has a silver lining.
A Duggar on birth control! It really is true that every cloud has a silver lining.
I feel like that would leave you with precious little free time, Demon
As someone who has been called a bitch numerous times by men while committing the unpardonable offense of doing my job, Ms. Autler handled this exactly right. It really gets under their skin when you’re calm or you laugh. I think they expect women to gently weep when called a bitch.
Also unnecessary but necessary to point out that these plumbers belong to a Union, the exact thing that Snyder has been trying to undermine.
I really really don’t understand how this protects anyone after such a highly publicized case. Like, what is their end game? Do they really think by removing this info from online will protect him?
Yup. That she corrected her story isn't about to change the minds of anyone who's anti-immigrant/refugee, and it's just making it harder for actual rape victims to be believed. Obviously glad she wasn't raped, but fuck. Come on kid.
Ya I’m starting to feel bad for her daughters if that’s what she thinks is motherly. I don’t believe she does though; just a desperately self-excusing statement.
Yeah, I didn’t get “motherly” so much as I did “MRA shame-scouting on OKC.”
To a subset of mothers, “motherly” means “entirely up in and controlling of my daughter’s vagina.”
They’d set themselves on fire before setting foot in a strip mall.
This was totally like my wedding, only we were inspired by CarTalk. Our performance artists wore vintage muscle car transmissions on their heads and in retrospect the whole thing would have been far less tragic had we not insisted that they get in the pool.
They call themselves the “Schwebsters”.
I suppose we must console ourselves with the thought of how many average people were employed for this undertaking. This must have taken a small army of wedding industry proletariat to pull off.
Upon arrival, guests were greeted with sound art, presented as a cacophony of small tinkling bells interspersed with more resonant gong sounds in reflection of the Zen ambiance of the 16-acre reserve. To ensure everyone followed the right path toward the ceremony structure, performance artists donning butterfly…
Just think, if these people were poor, semi-mentally-incapacitated, and living in small town Wisconsin that kid would already be in jail for life.
If that’s a prison then they also kidnapped two children and imprisoned them too. That’s the part that I find disgusting.
Exactly what I was thinking - imagine the massive public savings if we could convince more convicts to self-incarcerate on their own dime.
This is literally the only comment this article needs.
Hi, normal lurker, first time commenter, and German.