
Hey man, I gave away some free milk and my future husband bought that cow in record time.

So gross.

Oh, definitely. But that's a matter of motive. I think the sick people who kill other humans for no reason other than impulse/some kink are equally as deserving of punishment as people who kill animals.

I kind of get what you're saying. When people kill people, it's usually a crime of passion and/or momentary poor judgement, out of anger, fear, desperation, hurt, etc. .....Something that the individual knows is wrong and often immediately regrets. Even the majority of people who lack a significant amount of empathy

Lock her in a building, set it on fire. See if she makes it out. Fair is fair.

Anything worth doing is worth doing well. Your son is my kind of people.

This is a point that bears repeating...

I'm not sure if I should recruit that cat for my zombie apocalypse survival team, or if he would eat me on day 2.

Uncomfortable watching her breastfeed? I'm uncomfortable watching people chew gum, so I don't watch people chew gum. Weird how that works.

Hope she breastfeeds at the mediation table too while that county cuts her a check.

What's funny, if four gang members tied a woman to a chair, and one cut off her hair, they'd all be charged with the same crime. I'm amazed when the police do the same they don't get painted with the same brush.

Fired. Good. How about going to jail for assault?

Universal Health Care.

I was disappointed that the film version of Goblet of Fire didn't include Rita Skeeter getting her comeuppance. Seriously one of the best parts of the book.

Jesus God. Shouldn't those things have emergency shut-off buttons that are easily accessible?

I'm on the Hydra Diet. Unfortunately, for each pound I lose, I grow two more in its place.

It is a real problem that my computer doesn't have a 'SPOCK' button.

Oh. Please... don't do that. I know you mean well but... don't.

Yeah, but you do kind of have to be a woman to be a Raiderette, so the fact that the Raiderettes are paid less fairly than the average stripper while kept to much stricter, 24/7/365 social expectations than, again, the average stripper...kinda a "women's issue."

You suggest that the words "jerk" and "hero" mean two different things to a PUA.