
Married atheist lesbian here, going to be married forever just to spite the fundies. :D :D :D

My mind went immediately to Wiccan/pagan tradition when I read it, and I'm an agnostic married to an atheist.

@bostonafrorican Jumping the broom is also a common practice in pagan/Wiccan communities, it is not exclusively part of black tradition.

The only way I would run a marathon is if the prize is twelve lifetime supplies of donuts. And not just one a day- a baker's fucking dozen, dammit.

as a (fairly) religious woman, what you said here is the most important. Her body is a gift from God, to HER. Not to her 'future husband'. Let her play sports, or do ballet, be physical. Let her participate in something that lets her achieve something, rather than just cheer on the boys (even cheerleading can be

"Ancient Slut" sounds like it's just about my speed, actually.

Every pro life meatbonnet should be forced to pay double the tax that people with brains do. The "pro life Moron Tax" should go directly to programs for low income mothers, benefits for babies and children and food programs in schools.

I think you meant to say that social programs are always loved by those with a heart, and always loathed by those who put a wallet where their heart was supposed to be.

So, so true.

And adult women too please? I was kind of grossed out by being told my wedding was my day to be a princess by sales types and dressers of hair and whatnot. I am AT LEAST an empress, but I'd rather be a witch/sorceress.

I think my worst exes have all been totally fixated on their number, and my number as well. And then they throw a giant temper tantrum when I refuse to have the numbers conversation because it is STOOPID.

Thirty seconds after it was on, my phone rang and it was my mother going "Did you just hear the Italian coast guard? It was like the best person in the world and the worst person in the world on the phone to each other!"

Yes the answer to hositility against non-white or foreign cultures in the US is to make yourself as much like a white USAmerican as possible. Or not. You're an asshole and by the way your screenname means monkey in Swedish.

I'm just going to point out in a friendly manner so maybe you'll take a look, that of the 200-odd post here, many of them by Jezzies, not a single one is pissy or offended. And yet there are many posts by Deadspinners anticipating the tidal wave of feminine disapproval.

No, actually, that's not true. Shit that is offensive to women gets called out, and honestly, shouldn't women get to be the arbiters of whether they are offended? Drew is not being offensive, he's being funny. Jez isn't nearly feminist enough for me, and I can't find anything but good-natured Drew awesomeness here.

Yeah, my friends are all like "uh slutty nurse" and I have to tell them "Uh I was a slutty nurse, and slutty red riding hood and it was a blast!" Have fun! You do you boo (that's my mantra for the year). This year no sluty wear for me, my husband is building us a horse costume and we're gonna try to get free candy

Addendums as Made by a Lady

I think "beta-male" is probably generous. Delta or further down is likely closer to the truth.

Before their teens what?

Shit! People! If you have been afraid to cross bridges lately, DO IT NOW! Because the trolls are all on their mom's computers, typing out angry responses!