If you were going too fast to avoid a stopped car, you were going too fast to avoid a pedestrian. I’m good with this one.
Even if this program worked, its missing the point entirely. Lower income households don’t buy EVs because they can’t charge them anywhere. Its simple as that. Life with an EV is awful if you can’t plug it in overnight.
Are you going to include any information about Reed’s pending felony weapons charges? Or his prior arrests that involved firearms? Or perhaps question why he was driving around with a gun in his car with no concealed carry permit, and a previously revoked firearm owners identification card
Would have watched the heck out of something with Sabine Schmitz in it. RIP.
And, while it’s not really a “system” per se, I have to assume that the truck started handling very very differently if the bed suddenly sprang up into a raised position.
They took better care of this bus than David Tracy used to do with his jeeps.
About an hour after the crash, the owner of the vehicle called 911 to report that the car had been stolen sometime in the early morning hours. The owner’s residence was approximately five miles away from the crash scene.
If this guy had exited the vehicle as told, he’d have been arrested for felony gun possession - so like any good felon he ran. No one takes off for expired tags, and the police know this. I agree that once it hit those speeds the cops should have broken it off. But the original sin here is the driver’s attempt to…
Yeah, right? It’s super bizarre to me that this story is framed that it’s not the fault of the man who: was driving 107 mph, fled from law enforcement, running red lights, was a convicted felon with a loaded stolen gun, and had a warrant on him, that the ultimate outcome was that he drove beyond his means and crashed.…
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I feel for the poor box truck driver who has to deal with this. But thankfully a nice big truck and not a minivan full of nuns.
My wife and I use CP and AA in our Mazda 6, and it’s been flawless for the last 3 years. And Mazda is NOT known for their infotainment prowess.
Maybe its just because I’m older now (41), or had a kid, or whatever else. But man it seems like the roads are more dangerous than they have ever been at any time of my 26 year driving career. Ever since the pandemic ended people are so much more aggressive behind the wheel. They drive so much faster and with zero…
Farm Simulator: Hot Pursuit
The next version of Farm Simulator is gonna be way more intense.
Bitch, I’m a bus.
As the media has covered the numerous EV fires, this serves as a reminder that internal combustion engines pose a high fire risk, too.
Not to be awful, but what, exactly, should Carnival do when some idiot decides to jump off one of their lifeboats into plainly obvious life-ending waters? Drag the thousands of other paying customers into a pointless search for the missing passenger? I hate cruises just about as much as possible, but to blame Carnival…
Not to be heartless but with 8 - 12 foot waves, an unsupported person (no boat, no life raft, no lifejacket) was dead minutes after they hit the water. There will be no body to find.
Oh deer