I am making preparations.
I am making preparations.
No offense, Stanley, but I think you’re more of a Nick Nolte than a George Clooney.
Why are people stalin on giving their approval?
Thank you for your reference guide my friend. I will keep a copy in my wallet
Kylie Jenner is almost unrecognizable here. And I feel bad for her: Growing up in that family, essentially on TV for a bulk of her childhood, probably hasn’t fostered great self-esteem.
I know generally what a period is
My hot take: Pies are second tier desserts. Cakes ftw.
A+ username
Back under the bridge sir
Knock Knock. Who’s there? Unequal Fame. Unequal Fame who? Unequal Fame Dewan-Tatum.
im sorry i just can’t control my anger surrounding double creature.
Poor Alex. He’s not allowed to eat anything but rare air at House Hilaria.
This may be relevant ish:
okay but like that deer kind of looks like Ralph Fiennes to me and I won’t apologize for thinking this.
comparing this to clive owen is a fucking war crime
It is hard for me to imagine Tom Cruise ever leaving Scientology. There are some other celebrities in it obviously but he is like the FACE of Scientology. I am fascinated by this topic, I have watched Going Clear like 5 times and I have read basically everything written about it that I can get my hands on. Except the…
It’s why the clearance racks in my local stores are full of size XS and S clothing, but good luck finding any M, L or XL clothing on sale.
He is starting to look like a rather confused elderly spaniel.
It appears your feline overlord doesn't approve.