
I don’t think the new True Detective sucks at all. Quite the opposite, actually.

That is a damn shame dude :(

Hell yeah that F-15 is beautiful

holy shit that thing is beautiful

Oh thank god, this video doesn’t have a shitty CG Ford GT from Fords shitty “CG Everything” department.

Thats what they want you to think!

Those FMTV’s look pretty durable

Leave the burnouts to the 'Mericans son.

I didn’t think that man was capable of crashing anything.

Damn. That sucks :(

Hey, that’s one good looking car.

Yeah and it isn’t shitty CGI. man somebody needs to tell ford to stop the CG. They even did that with the mustang debut and it sucked. (the CG not the stang)

Dude that picture at the end is hilarious

Still sounds wrong. They’re being extremely over-analytical of the phrase itself. This girl committed suicide and that’s a shame, but that’s what she did. I'm not going to phrase it differently just because someone somewhere will have their feelings hurt. I'm also not ignorant of the pain of loosing a loved one to

That sure does look like a Stryker.. so they copied that too?

Don’t look like a dude.

I wont have access to the net on Memorial Day, so let me just tell you now, thanks for your service. God bless.

Well i mean if that keeps Prius’ off the road I'm cool with it.

Meh. not really feeling it :/ the front looks over worked compared to the original 5th gen.