
This one too. these are quick, I'm sure if i took some more time i could make it look more legit.

Did this in PS real quick. You guys think it looks better?

just stop.


lol nice fake movie.

Well hello there!

Also, North Ave is right on the border between Union and Elizabeth. There's a possibility the person in question could be a resident of either, if at all.

I'm from Union township, and i'm also an avid motorcycle rider. I'll definitley be keeping an eye out..

Omg that's awesome! nice work!!

lol nice gear, squid. he's lucky he walked away with such little wounds after being so ill prepared. Even on a 100 degree day i wont ride without full leathers and gear.

That's Pakistan for you. It's the same reason why the U.S. Government couldn't have even hinted to Pakistani officials their intentions to nab Osama. Someone would have just tipped him off. The entire country is corrupt.

Woot! thats some damn good soup!

I do. 0-60 in 3.8 in a Corvette sounds like the next best thing to strapping you're self to a rocket. Sure there's other cars that can best that number, but for the 'Vettes price it sounds pretty good.

LOL this is in my hometown of Union. Ive seen this truck before. It seems this dude parks like this every chance he gets.

Hey man where in Jersey? that wouldnt happen to be Nomahegan park would it?

old model honda prelude. low front and raised rear.

i agree, it looks like the marks end on the right hand side all at the same exact time. making one vertical line. that's too precise for a person to just walk up and do.

Originally from the sloped front and raised rear, my initial reaction was that it was white honda prelude.

yeah man mee too.