
Sports fans are THE WORST.

These are the sort of niggling deficiencies that get overlooked when a team is running away with the National League, as the Cubs did last season. They’re struggling this year, though, and that means that all the little problems nobody cared too much about while the team was winning are suddenly big problems.

What’s interesting is he’s a Salt Lake City guy who’s a big Michael Jordan fan.

I’ll pay. I’ll watch. I’ll be embarrassed the next morning that I did either.

The score was 34-31 and the 49ers had four plays inside the 10 to end the game. What in God’s name are you talking about?

“Yes, I was out past curfew the night before a game until 4AM. Yes, I went golfing the next day. Yes, I then missed the game I was supposed to attend.

Is this bit the new St. Louis loss blog? If so, I am really enjoying it. I smell another Pulitzer.

So, we ask, what does this profile make you think about Jim Nantz?

On the other hand, we get to see a bunch of low-bench guys show what they have and, most importantly, it should end up being a fascinating chess match between a great coach and a very good one.

Going to try to be as careful as possible here, but while he should be able to compete in the boys division without everyone losing their shit, don’t those parents have a point that someone on testosterone maybe shouldn’t be able to wrestle girls?  

Man, that is so fuckin’ good. “First of all, you’re not a good fighter.” Basically, calm your tits big man. Fuck around with me and get your ass whooped.


That’s a good point. But consider that the Falcons have been to the Super Bowl once and have never won. When they get within smelling distance, the fan base gets pretty fired up.

If the wife of the starting QB in any city called out an establishment for hosting the opponent’s fans on the eve of a huge playoff game, I’m pretty sure plenty of the locals would pile on.

“Write a note to yourself about what you would never do. And when you come to the line, don’t cross it.”

This kind of unsportsmanlike behavior won’t be tolerated, at least until Duke does and it Coach K lets it slide.

Crean will never be a winner like Coach K. You’re supposed to tolerate douchebaggery from your own players and publicly lecture your opponents. No wonder Indiana is stuck in a garbage conference with the likes of Rutgers.

The Shadow Government already refers to something and it isn’t philanthropy. It refers to the unelected bureaucracy that doesn’t change from administration to administration. Although, they can’t do much to force change (as cabinet members set the agenda) in their respective roles, they pretty much have total control

“If everyone around you is angry, then you’re the asshole.”