
You know what makes it even better? The Twitter account is run by her daughter lol I am here for all of this she made her bed and signed up for a movie that has a colorism problem as well as a heteronormative issue and an age problem. And she signed on knowing that her daughter and the estate were not happy about it

Well in NBC’s defense, I don’t think there has been enough coverage on this election. Who’s even running? I wouldn’t know. I mean, an analysis of a poignant and provocative music video? Nah, give me more Trump.

Kings fan here. As much as I hate Chris Paul and somewhat enjoyed seeing that, I'm so far beyond being tired of Cousins’ petulant child/whiney attitude its not even funny.

Word is boogie is a pretty despicable guy behind the scenes (eg treats attendants like shit).

When did he ever play at an elite level?

If you or anyone else here has a few extra minutes, please call Lands’ End this afternoon and register your support for the Gloria Steinem interview. They’re getting shelled by anti-choicers and anti-feminists, who don’t seem to realize that they wouldn’t be able to make a phone call at all without Hubby’s permission

We are the silent majority.

I seriously bet if enough educated pro-choice people started being as noisy as the uneducated theocrat bullies - Land’s End might not cave so easy.

We have been shopping at Lands’ End for 25 years. To say that I am saddened and horrified at their scrubbing of the Gloria Steinem interview (who was a feminist and fighting for women’s rights before the Bernie Bros were born) is an understatement. I’ll be calling them this afternoon to register my disapproval.

To these conservatives: go ahead and boycott lands end too. One million (dumbfuck) moms are probably going to get in on this too, I’m sure. BOYCOTT AWAY FUCKSTICKS. Pretty soon you will have nothing to buy, except chicka-fil-a, and hobby lobby.

Funny, if they’d stood behind their association with Steinem, they would have made an avowed and loyal fan of me.

How is this putting us in an awkward position. I'm truly sorry he went through such a horrific ordeal, but he's still an idiot for pressing for this nonsense line of reasoning. Is he advocating that teachers now need to be in the position of making life or death decisions in an already high pressure situation.

Once the situation had progressed to the point where the video starts picking up the action, I don’t see how he could have handled things better, to be candid. I think it was lose/lose for him.

And then what happens if she starts clawing at his face or something and he ends up having to use more force to restrain her?

Lose-lose for this guy. He jumps in and takes a side, and he’s a violent offender. He stays back and does nothing, and he’s condoning violence. I think it’d just be better if it hadn’t been on camera.

Umm, what the hell does he have to apologize for? I’m pretty sure this is the best any NFL player has ever reacted (on video) to a violent situation. They should show this at the Rookie Symposium in the “right way” category. By attempting to stop or break this up he would have put himself in a much worse situation. Is

Outrage is so much fun!

My goodness, she really can’t say a single thing without being criticized. This is a perfectly reasonable answer.

Actions do speak louder than words but I am still glad that she brought up that there is white privilege. I feel like a lot of people are clueless about its existence. We need to get more conversations going to expose people to a fact that has not been noticed by most of white america.

What should she do? In concrete terms, what is the right thing for her to do in your opinion?