
I definitely had a dude on Tinder ask me if I was caucusing for Bernie- it nearly put me off caucusing for him even though I’d already planned to.
Just part of the charm of living in Iowa.

They’ve invested because she’s been the frontrunner and also they’ve been attacking her for 20+ years - it’s habit. If Sanders gets the nomination they’re not going to let him skate on by.

Preach on!

I want to give that comment all the stars!

Madeline Albright is 78 years old. She was born in fucking 1938 in fucking Czechoslovakia until FUCKING HITLER forced her family into exile in England during the Holocaust (in which THREE of her Grandparents died). She lived through the blitz in London, hiding under a metal fucking table during Nazi bombings.

I think the way the message is being presented is off, but there is something awesome about a bunch of older ladies who have done their best to pave the way for an easier, freer existence for the women coming behind them getting excited about the possibility of having a women as the president of the United States.

What they did was dumb. Would I have done that as a teenager? Yes.

The strangest part of this is how there were no pancakes at Pancakes with Rubio. Don't promise me fucking pancakes if you aren't going to deliver. I don't know if he's a robot, but he definitely has no heart.

That is rude as hell to promise pancakes and not deliver. What happened to the pancakes?

Literally everyone I know has a dumb story from their teen years. Kids in big cities climb construction sites and into abandoned buildings or they try and ride trains. Kids in the countryside do stupid shit with farm machinery or jump of bridges. Kids are dumb but most of them survive to be able to say “fuck that was

I’m not sure if you’re trying to make some sort of weird joke, but a 17 year old in the year 2016 is not a millennial...”millennial” applies to people who reached young adulthood around the year 2000. These kids were born in 1999...

This isn’t Darwinism. This is teenaged boys and their teenaged brains at work. Most of us escape our teen years having done something stupid that could have killed us. It’s a sad story and the fact that these boys were brothers compounds that tragedy.

To be fair, sometimes The 1975 also answers the question “What would it sound like if an Urban Outfitters catalog came to life and decided to rip off Bowie as hard as possible?”

It was definitely the best musical performance on the show.

Great! Now win tommorow so I don’t have to read 2867 ESPN articles on “thuggishness” “cockiness” and “Dab Dooms Cam’s Career!”

Cam should have won unanimously, but at least there are only two brain-dead voters. And, thank God there were no votes for players from 9-7 teams that did not even make the playoffs.

Please dismiss Dulky, he’s a Berniebro. Look at his discussions. He is a rape apologist who has kindly taken time out of his MRA activities to grace us with his odious presence.

But it’s about ethics in games journalism. ;-)

The Five Horsewomen of the Fempocalypse?

Oh, he’ll hire token women (who can hang with the bros). I just hope they aren’t banking on being promoted.