Yeah, because that’s the first thing I think of when I think of Silicon Valley. Weed.
Yeah, because that’s the first thing I think of when I think of Silicon Valley. Weed.
You missed my point. I will still vote for him if he’s the nominee but dismissing Planned Parenthood as part of the estestablishment is a problem.
And like I just said elsewhere, Sanders has been in Congress since 1990. He’s part of the establishment too.
Also, someone who has been in Congress since I was in high school isn’t exactly an outsider.
PP is making the same calculation that female and minority democratic voters, who have so far failed to flock to Bernie in the same way white male liberals have, are making. Bernie is great, but they are banking their money on someone who can actually get things accomplished. This is a big country with increasingly…
Okay, I’m fucking sick of this. The “Democratic Party establishment” is not a thing to be reflexively opposed. The Democratic Party establishment elected Barack Obama. It got Sotamayor and Kagan (KAGAN!) appointed. It promotes marriage equality, abortion rights, racial equality, feminism, and a social safety net.
More like there’s a sub group of Bernie Bros who are incapable of handling even the slightest criticisms of Bernie and completely condescend to people who try to have an actual discussion about his stand.
Based on their infographic, their early pick of Clinton seems pretty rooted in choosing a candidate who has, and will continue to, go to the mat for them. Even this week, Clinton said she’s in favor of repealing Hyde. That’s major.
I get what you’re saying but the PP link is factual, and not at all harsh in it’s assessment of Bernie. It basically says that Hillary introduces pro-woman legislation while Bernie is a staunch supporter of such legislation.
And here come the bernie bros breathing fire and scorching the earth in
I thought what he said was odd too when I heard it last night. I like many of the things he has to say but I really don’t think what he wants to do will actually solve all the problems we have. Hmm. I feel he’s starting to come off as someone who’s not willing to compromise and more interested in the fight than trying…
god youre the worst
“Huma Abedin, a beautiful and smart woman married to a nose with a sheepish man attached”
By almost any measure, Reid has been a successful coach. If he were to go on the market, there are about 10-15 teams every year, at least, that would jump at the chance to have him as their head coach. Why would he let the team emasculate him by taking away his responsibilities at crucial points in the game?
1) I don’t think they’re friends. If “friends” means “former teammate of Matt Barnes,” there’s about 21 NBA rosters that are off-limits. (plus former teams in the ABA, UCLA, high school & AAU...)
Please shut up. Matt Barnes has no claim on his estranged wife’s love life. She is not his property, and if she and Fisher want to be together, so be it. That is her decision and Fisher’s decision, and Matt Barnes has no right to attempt to violently deal with it. I understand his being upset - it is not an easy thing…
Suck a big fat dick. Defense needs to do its job, they left Fitz wide open and he made those cousin fuckers pay!!!
With the way Rodgers has played this year, “miracle” hails aside, I don’t imagine it would have been very good anyway.
Cry me a river packers fan. Maybe try actually covering one of the best wide receivers of all time? Naaaaah just blame it on teh OT rulez!!!!
Fuck cancer.