
Maybe it's not "on purpose" but it's also hard to believe Mitch Kupchak did all he could to maximize the talent around Kobe the next 2 years. I might be fine with that if they get another pick this year to pair with Randle for the future but they could've at least made offers to guys like Bledsoe, Isaiah Thomas, and

They may be tanking, but not on purpose. They are bad.

Reality? Waiting out Kobe? Take your pick. At least people will still buy tickets if they can lose entertainingly.

Only if you promise you're never gonna give me up or let me down.

Albert, I would love to waterboard you with a vat of steamy, yummy Skyline Chili.


I am here to serve.

You know why the Pirates have a Heinz bottle on the outfield fence? They're always trying to ketchup. Go Giants!

Releasing a statement after the 11pm news is over, and everybody's gone to bed? Is this the early-week version of a Friday news dump?

"Saturday evening" HA! Shows what you know. We're UM, we play in the afternoon!

I hate Jeter but that was fucking magical

My favorite was the guy who thought the Cardinals were the best team because they weren't just a baseball team but missionaries for God, and that the owners cared about spreading the word of the lord just as much as winning baseball.

It's actually him laughing at his own jokes. Olbermann is one of the greatest ventriloquists of our time.

I just don't understand why he doesn't put on the ring and walk out of prison, since it makes him invisible.

Wait — so let me just understand this. Some people are arguing that the Hope Solo case demonstrates a clear-double standard, motivated by political correctness of the most cynical variety, in the treatment of male vs. female domestic abusers. And your response is that the Solo case is TOTALLY different because hey

"Careful, Joey!"

I know this isn't gonna get approved but weekends on Deadspin are so much better

no video so did it really happen? Im jk but so your tellin me that Manning did something stupid and wrong, learned from it, and never did anything wrong again? Sounds like a young guy who became a better person from being an idiot. Main Man Winston dont learn shit. He is straight up Johnny Football 2.0. He does

Would you see Peyton Manning, Cam Newton or any other top flight guy say that shit? Hes a fuckin moron. Next thing you know, he's gonna be drunk as fuck, passed out on giant swan after doin "KaCaine" in the bathroom. And ya im pissed I gotta watch a backup tonight

It IS better late than never, no doubt.