
Wonder if the reaction and well wishes from those across baseball would be as nice if he was black...


You must be white.

Why is she awesome and he sucks?

Oh no...

I don’t get this because sexual violence is sexual violence

The breathy thing was pushed by one of Kennedy’s handlers, no doubt.

Kenny is freaking awesome. And he took this over the top really to annoy shaq. Because all Shaq does is talk shit about Howard and now Shaq is “the real superman.”

All the media sites that have been running with “could this guy be gay,” (including Outsports, which is the very opposite of inclusion) is guilty of making situations like this worse.

Imagine if this was some old geezer fawning about how he would fuck Jennifer Lawrence...

They’ll have to win their conference tourney or at least the regular season title. Because their conference schedule isn’t very good enough to get them in. And the win over USC isn't starting to look better.

I want to know so badly!

This needs to be done on all levels of all governments.

Why should anyone even give a shit about this?

I’m just glad you guys covered it. There was nary a peep from the large media conglomerates of CNN and Fox

Why the fuck is the number 4 team in the country storming the court? This is getting out of hand.

Are we gonna ignore the fact the guy in that first picture has a massive cock.

I'm actually black. You dumb fuck.

Look at all these white folks! I can't wait to watch this!

This is something I have a real problem with. He has already been found guilty of something and been sentenced. So the government there didn’t like the verdict and decided another trial was okay. Do they not have double jeopardy in South Africa.