
“James told THR that he loved Coogler’s vision for Black Panther, saying that when he was growing up there were no black superheroes for him to look up to.”

Are there any whore houses to visit?

What I don’t understand is how anyone can still look at this man and think :

I mean, the literally only similarity is that they are darker-skinned, like the only thing, physical or personality-wide. How is that even funny?

SMH yet many a white guy with weapons and a blank or 'agitated' expression went unnoticed as they prepared to carry out mass shootings. Pot meet kettle.

I don’t get the obsession with Fortnight. I mean it’s fun for a while but playing the same match over and over gets old for me quick.

Smoooooth. In before he claims to be half-Hispanic, half-Jew, and 1/16th Cherokee.

Someone tell me because I’m honestly asking, when did this symbol become associated with White Power? Because when I was a kid, this was associated with a game that if you looked at it you would get punched. So when did shit change?

I wonder what she’s going to say to her mixed kids when they see that video in a few years?

I’m always entertained when they put on one of their whiteface minstrel shows.  : )

Imagine how free of problems your life has to be to make a big deal about a weird looking train getting a black friend. You totally don’t look crazy in that clip, Dana. Completely natural response to what is basically the most trivial of news.

No, you’ve got it right.

The local Perkins/Sit Down family restaurant has a coloring contest for children every month. The winner gets a free Beverage. Does Perkins now have to give away free beverages to all entrants?

No, because even the children know that not everyone wins.

My point is, don’t blame that woman for that motherfucker killing her. We’ll never know what would have happened had she gave up the keys. That dude was evil enough to rob a mom at gunpoint, right in front of her kids and you automatically assuming that he would have done the “decent” thing and “just” robbed her?

I’m glad he couldn’t get the car started with the kids underneath it. This could have been even worse of a story. How are you going to kill someone over a car that’s not even your’s? I guess he’ll have the rest of his life to figure that out.

Damn. In an instant, lives are changed. I feel bad for those kids. Hopefully, they have a close family.

What are you nuts? In NYC alone the city paid out a billion dollars to settle cases, largely police misconduct cases, IN ONE YEAR. And that’s only after cases make it through the uphill battle of accusing a cop. There are many good ones, but the culture is dirty.

Read the headline: thought, “Well, at least there’s some self recognition that he shouldn’t have said that. Better to not have said it in the first place, but at least it’s a start.”

Sometimes the river is high. Sometimes the river is low. The river is never dry.