“I have to call corporate to see if we can do a return?”
I will never in my life understand how paid leave is supposed to be a punishment.
Lol this so much
For everybody complaining about the song:
Don’t know about Billboard but at least over here streaming does count now.
I like the song. It doesn’t need to be so revolutionary. Its revolutionary b/c its post-kanye. People are pitting Childish against Kanye bc ... that is what people do.
OK. I guess google must be down because there’s literally a million think pieces written about This is America but it’s Monday so I’ma do you a solid.
There are any number of videos and articles you can Google that will explain this for you, from the Confederate style pants and two golden chains to the Jim Crow facial expressions and dance moves.
That ignorant bitch Nicole Arbour is the actual woooooorst. I was done with her when she posted that “Dear Fat People” video. She *would* do something like this to art.
You’re just a pawn of the evil GLaD0S establishment. The cake is a lie and so is the friend zone!
No, that’s my entire point, I actually had a longer post that included incels and edited it down. It’s just an absurd argument. How you even begin to compare blerds to Incels I have no fucking clue. It’s intellectually dishonest and InCels are a terrorist movement. The author should be embarrassed by that comparison.
BTW, this isn’t just a high school issue. Blerds aren’t getting checked for PERIOD. Not in HS, College, anywhere. I’ve personally done ok, but I was also athletic and artistic, I know plenty of blerds who aren’t and are not being checked for. Why anyone care about the dating preferences of people they’re not into I…
They can say “Hey, date whoever” all they want and yet after this negative many articles about a black man who is dating a white woman it’s hard not to see some anti-interractial relationship bias here.
I think that’s my issue with this piece. Since it’s simplifies the issue as being merely “If you didn’t date a black girl in highschool, it’s probably because you’re an asshole.”
all these think pieces on Glover and his choice of significant other! I swear, it’s as if Childish Gambino has been out here pissing on black teenagers and holding black women against their will in sex slave cults or something...
It looks boring. Kids have them on DVD, VHS and streaming services. My best friend growing up had every action figure. I have bought every Lego Star Wars set, but superhero movies and science fiction are not my thing.
Hey, the prequels aren’t -
the funny thing to me is Epic made a better “Evolve” game with this one mode than the entire Evolve game. It’s so simple it works. You pick up the gauntlet. you have three abilities. a super punch, a laser beam and a huge jump. Everytime you kill someone your shields refill. when you die you drop the gauntlet and…