
Yes, she has boobs. She is a woman. Wonder Woman is also powerful and intelligent, and defined by far more than her chest. She also has an iconic costume that people everywhere know. If all you can see in that poster is her boobs, then it really says more about you than it does about the poster.

That’s nice. Real cool story, bro.

He’s not the director.

Wow, how puritanical.

It’s the costume, stupid. Standard silhouette, with light falling on the costume for emphasis. They are highlighting the costume. But let’s make everything an issue.

Your entire line of responses is racist, because you are completely sidelining all minority characters in comic books. Fucking disgusting.

Wow, what a HORRIBLE attitude. You are spewing just unbelievably racist horseshit.

Well that’s fucking stupid and a total failure. What a waste of time and energy.

You’re a fucking weirdo. Get a life, loser.

What a fucking disgusting article. Let’s start with an assumption, then run with it as if it’s true. If we throw in a token “well it is a rumor” then we’re ok, I guess.

Shin Godzilla kicks it in Japanese theaters on July 29th.

“(Has it ever troubled anyone else that one only needs to add an “n” to make that character’s name troublesome?)“

12, bruh. Geez.

Quick! Someone call the WAAAAAAH-mbulance!!!


Show is just awful. Couldn’t be more boring, and the voice acting is terrible.

Spoiler: you’re the result of a 25-person gangbang.


Maybe because Tilda Swinton is widely regarded as one of the best actresses out there? Are you saying they should have cast on based race only? It isn’t like they went with some talentless white piece of ass (i.e. Kristen Stewart) just to have a whitey in the role. They went for well-proven and highly recognized