
ROTJ’s space battle is a fucking work of art, as is the throne room scene.

Umm... Tutankhamen?


Except that it was Zod that killed them, while Superman was trying to stop him. Zod, who was a superior fighter, now as powerful as Supes, and who stated directly that it was his aim to hurt Superman by killing all humans.

$10 says it’s reanimated Zod/Doomsday firing at Bats. Trailer is cut together to make the Supes/Bats rivalry bigger, stakes higher.

“Assists in the killing of thousands of Metropolites while fighting Zod.”

Oh, is there a minimum age requirement to be king in the fictional country of Wakanda?

You’re hired.

It’s so coarse. I hate it!

Rogue One comes out December 2016. Episode 8 comes out December 2017.

I still say The Force Awakens had some of the best trailers ever made. The music, the key lines of dialogue used, and the complete lack of spoiling the story are freakin amazing. “Chewie, we’re home” brought a tear to my eye, and that’s no easy feat.

If anything, the prequels showed pretty clearly that the Jedi were inherently wrong about everything. They were so entrenched in their dogma that they blinded themselves and sealed their own fate. It wasn’t that the “shroud of the dark side has fallen” as Yoda put it. It was that the Jedi were disconnected from the

These are poor/low quality comments. Some are better than other however ultimately they are all poorly written.

Phasma’s story isn’t over yet.

Phasma is a secret Resistance agent, which is why she gave in so easily. Calling it now.

Or because they plan to locate part of the story there at point, perhaps in Episode VIII or IX.

“And even if he was hurt, she was still more powerful than any other Jedi despite just learning about the Force. Face it, it was remake of a A new Hope just with race and gender swaps for the PC and Social Justice Warrior generation. Rey was a Mary Sue.”

So here’s the thing ... very coincidental the timing of the ground splitting between them. Is it possible it was no coincidence at all?

The needs of the script outweigh the needs of the few. Or the one.