
I'd like to point out that while birth is a biological process, we do and should accord it special status as the mechanism by which we continue to exist as a species, and the only means through which progress is genuinely possible. Even if you don't have children or are neutral on the question, I would hope you could

I couldn't agree with you more. Carrying and birthing a human life is an awesome privilege. Being a mother is an even greater privilege. Jezebel needs to stop acting like carrying a baby is a nasty thing comparable to having a tumor or that being a mother is a waste of a woman's talents. Everyone had a mother and if

The difference between an embryo and a tumor is that an embryo (and any well-behaved somatic cell, really) knows when to stop growing, a tumor does not.

Here is my problem with these sorts of articles and the reason why I wish Jez would stop having them so fucking often. You promote children and childbirth as some sort of evil parasite. I get it, "Oh babies are so gross! How dare society try to ruin my beautiful body with a nasty child wah-wah-wah" grow up. Children

Ummmmmm... Don't all our cells have the same genes?

You might start with the fact that fighting in hockey is the self-governance that is sorely lacking in major and minor contact sports. While dirty plays do happen, and players do get seriously injured as a result (e.g. Marc Savard), there are a great deal fewer plays in hockey which might be considered dirty as a

I'm going to do my best explaining this from someone who has been in hockey fights, played high level and coached high level (i wrote this awhile ago but same jist, no attacks directly at you):

Why do people call Olympic hockey the best hockey? Did you watch the last tournament? Aside from 2-3 games, that was brutal, boring ass hockey. Everyone plays the German trap (5 men stacked on the blueline).

You cannot always depend on the officials to protect the players. More often than not it takes injuring a person to invoke a major penalty, at which point someone is already hurt. It's about protecting your teammates and yourself, it isn't necessarily a good thing but it will always has a place in the game because of

Fact: 99% of players think fighting has a place in hockey.

Fact: 99% of those who complain about fighting don't regularly watch hockey.

Simple concept. Its a way for players to regulate themselves. With hockey being such a physical sport, its easy for other players to want to get an advantage by taking out a star player with some really rough hits. The penalty for that might be 2-5 minutes, well worth it.
With fighting allowed in the game, you know

"Now I'm not saying fighting in hockey is okay, but it's totally clickbait material."

Yes, it is a relic from a time where they made baseball games that were actually reasonably fun to play. If they could come up with a simulation game that was realistic and intuitive (i.e., fun as opposed to frustratingly difficult), then that would probably be a better idea.

Butt hurt much? Dude let it go, it'll probably be relatively cheap and simple, wholesome fun for fans of games from the early days of consoles. Don't like "shovelware", Don't buy it.

I liked the costume they had on the MRA character. You couldn't even see the straw.

Someone on here said it once (and probably said it better): White women like to vicariously live through Lena Dunham because she's "made it" in the business but still looks dumpy and isn't attractive (which is true, I don't get when people tell me that she's pretty). It gives them hope that they can make it as

I just wish people would stop pretending Lena Dunham is talented and feminist. Her show represents everything wrong with people these days, horribly unlikable raging narcissists who talk at each other rather than with each other, who pretend they're deep and world changing when in reality they're just shallow

Yeah, why even make him an MRA if none of the humor derives from what MRAs believe? He could have had any other job Dunham's character considered unsavory— tobacco lobbyist, Republican congressman, etc.— and the sketch still would have worked. Well, it wouldn't have WORKED, because it wasn't particularly funny, but it

What is special about her? She isn't particularly funny, or interesting, or charming, or thought-provoking, or...anything. I don't get it.

Lena Dunham, Lena Dunham. I think that MRA sketch with the woman who I'm assuming was latina (ugh), encapsulates just how awful Lena Dunham actually is.