Issa Trap

This is all good but is there a feature that will prevent the buses from being on my street in the morning when I’m running late for work or can it load the kids quicker again, when I’m late for work? One of the few things I don’t miss about my commute.

Those first few are general maintenance items that as a friend, can be done rather quickly. Everything else requires either specialized knowledge, tools, or both and THAT is what your friend is being quoted for. Not saying that it is terribly extortionate but I doubt she would get a much cheaper discount considering

The guys on Wheeler Dealers did an episode not long ago with a Toyota Celica. I enjoyed it except for how Mike and Art kept saying Toyota “Ce-LEE-ca”. I was like huh? Speaking of, I heard that Art isn’t coming back so I’m curious as to how the show will change.

I average about 10 miles a week and I’ve discovered that if I let my mind wander(thinking about life, bills, job, etc.), my times are generally slower. When I’m focused on actually putting one foot in front of the other, I do better with my pace.

Get ‘em!!!

This is good news.

“People will not be silent and we’re not going to just let this go.....

I’m like a dog with a bone. I will not let them end this session without changing some of these laws,“

I need a new keyboard now that I spit coffee on it after reading that.  Logistically, that would be difficult now and next to impossible back then.  We barely survived the trip here but expect livestock to make it back?!?!  And a home where exactly?  These people don’t realize how stupid they sound.

We are not the police. Go ahead and tell us the cars you think would be great for smuggling.

The main reason I don’t watch talking heads because they don’t know 90% of what they are paid to talk about.  I quit on Charles loooooong time ago.  

Where has he been this whole time?!?!

My car would be in the category of Level 1 - adaptive cruise with lane assist and even then, conditions have to be almost perfect for it to work properly. Sure the adaptive cruise is ok at it’s job (still make me nervous as hell) but if the sensors in the mirrors can’t see the lines or if the lane is narrower/wider

Donald Trump did not cause the Coup Klutz Klan rally on Jan. 6.

Problem with cables is you need another vehicle (and another willing samaritan) to jump from. I keep a battery jumper pack in my trunk and I’m totally self sufficient.  It is small enough to stay out of the way until needed and has already saved me a few times.  Surprised no one here has mentioned it. 

Problem with cables is you need another vehicle (and another willing samaritan) to jump from. I keep a battery

My son got his car from Carvana and that was first question after they delivered it. “So, how long is the test drive”? A week is plenty of time but they swear they don’t sell cars that haven’t been maintained well. Still gives him time to take it and have it looked over with time to spare.  

Oh and I like how people are upset that an American flag pole was used. Not like it was the first time in history...

You win.

And then there’s this.

Better late than never, I guess.  Hard for me to get excited for something that should have been done long ago.