Came for this. Can walk away happy now...
I’m not surprised. There is a Chevy dealer near me offering deeper discounts than that. Was sitting in traffic once and could not count the number of C7s on the lot. Curiosity got the best of me so did a inventory search on their website and they had more than I thought. Too bad I’m not in the market for one. With…
What doesn’t get discussed enough is that Cosby could have had so many women.
Some of the best memories I have are of my dad sneaking me into the track as a kid and showing me how to bet on the dogs and horses. Kids weren’t “technically” allowed but if you didn’t place at bet at the windows or run around like it was a playground, they would turn a blind eye. Lost money but good times. Too bad…
who has, Clarkson added, “killed the car show.”
Sorry to say but the Sweets Committee got it right on this one. Peach cobbler is a pie. We still family though...
My ol man hit me with the “You know I raised you better than they were raised...” speech. I gave her the aluminum foil but she got a healthy dose of side eye to take with it. I’m still mad about it.
I almost got into a fight 2 years ago because my aunt wanted to take HALF A DAMN CAKE with her for leftovers that I brought and she didn’t bring anything. Dad actually had to tell me to stand down because she was going to have to take that cake in her hand since I wasn’t giving her any aluminum foil to wrap it.
a sufficient supply of the upper-arm fat known as “church lady muscles.”
I chuckled way too hard at this. Star for you...
We had a good run of NPs there for a while. The streak had to end at some point.
I’m not worried as I’m still waiting on my solar roof shingles from Tesla. Judging by that, we won’t see this truck in the wild for another 4 or 5 years.
I’m not worried as I’m still waiting on my solar roof shingles from Tesla. Judging by that, we won’t see this truck in the wild for another 4 or 5 years.
How many Chevy SUVs do we need? I say there might be room for a few more. What other names are left? Jimmy (GMC, yes I know but none of this makes sense so there), Tracker, Astro, Vandura, Envoy, Sonoma. They keep making them and people will keep buying them.