The cockpit is what I call my wife’s **redacted**. Amirite?!?!
The cockpit is what I call my wife’s **redacted**. Amirite?!?!
An old car this small, you would actually be safer in traffic on a motorcycle - better brakes more maneuverability. No thanks, CP.
I don’t have the newest gen Ram but I LOVE mine more than my dad’s current gen Silverado. It has a lot to do with the way his drives vs. mine. I can see why Chevy is in 3rd.
You’ve obviously never eaten popcorn in a fully comfortable prone position before. When I do it, I have a 75% “on target” success rate.
A comment on how this is infringing on First Amendment freedom of speech in 3.....2.....1.....
Mom had a Pontiac T-1000 when I was a kid. Can also confirm.
Who’s a good girl? Mandy’s a good girl!!!
Honestly, I don’t want a check. I want systems in place so that my grandkids have a fair shot at this. Think of it like this - do you want a one time “spot bonus” at your job that will be gone before the next pay cycle or do you want the opportunity for advancement with real benefits and a pay increase?
Traveling nurse with a therapy dog and cat? I think I just found my next investment idea. Oh and get the Rav 4 hybrid while I will work on marketing for this venture...
My son is tall, 6'5" so I was trying to steer him into something a bit larger but still in his budget but surprisingly, the Mazda 3 is roomy enough for him. His initial choice was a Ford Fusion and he must have heard me screaming on the inside for him NOT to get that. In the end, it is the first car he purchased on…
Not surprised. For all their talk of stealth fighters and bombers, the Air Force does more troop and equipment transport than anything else. We used to call them the “FedEx of armed forces” when I was in.
This reminds me. I have a lot of old polos in my closet that I need to get rid of.
I didn’t give him the entire amount for a down payment. More like half plus some to cover tags/registration. In the end, he chose well (Mazda 3) with a vehicle that had a bit more miles than I would have gone for but it is solid that will get him back and forth to work and class.
I didn’t think the army was allowed fixed wing aircraft but yeah, the Marines would have snapped those up in a heartbeat for close air support.
Damn, you beat me to it. I’ve never had a fire at my house or had to call 911 so why do I have to pay my taxes for them to respond to other people? It is EXACTLY like that.
I’m going to say this as gently as I can.....You have idiots for friends.
I went through this very thing with my 21 y/o son a few weeks ago. He wanted to do it all on his own and even when I tried to steer him in the right direction as far as car type, milage, finance considerations, etc, he wanted to do it his way - he is his mother’s child. I gave him money for a down payment so his…
And I still can’t believe they want to replace the Warthog with a supersonic turkey that carries 1/10th the ammunition.
LS fan here. I like this - a lot.