Issa Trap

This is EXACTLY what I was thinking. Basically on super slow days when my boss comes around and someone goes “Quick guys, look busy...” and you have a bunch of computer engineers with brooms and mops in their hands.

Neither do I so I try really hard not to commit crimes. Actually, it’s not that hard.

Eartha Kitt had no time for BS.  Girl was hot too!

Sorry to tell you but he probably got a promotion.  The bosses liked his work and he got kicked upstairs.  At least that’s how it works at my job.

On future screens, local restaurants, doctors’ offices and other services could target ads based on typical driving routes....

Chevy SS owner here. The LS3s have had some valve issues. I say some only because from what we have seen, it has only been a few here and there but enough for me to keep an eye on mine.  Other than that, they are pretty solid and take mods very well.

you have a point....

This.  Cheaper examples out there.  I can’t see a reason to pay more for this one.

You could be selling me a membership to the “Save the Kittens and Puppies Foundation” but if you ring my doorbell like a lunatic, I will immediately be against what you are for.......Unless you are Wayne Brady with a Publisher’s Clearinghouse big check in your hand then yes.....ring the doorbell anyway you want sir.

I was very disturbed to recently learn that my own wife only pushes the button one time..

Alakazam! Thank you ladies and gentlemen. Be sure to tip your beautiful waitresses.

As a person who has agreed to help someone move only to show up and see that the person was unprepared to say the least, I’m surprised this hasn’t happened more often.

**in my best Jamaican accent by way of Los Angeles** Call me NOW!!!

As an ‘80's-90's kid, all I have to say is...RIP Jet Beauties of the Week. A moment of silence please.

Funny you mention that. I got a UPS driver with a truck that either has an LS (not likely) or an aftermarket muffler (or a hole in the stock one) and dude tears up and down my neighborhood like a mad man. He floors it after every stop and everyone knows when he is in the area since we are on his route. I know the

As a kid of the 80's-90's, I have a certain affiliation with the Fox body Mustangs. I’m trying to figure out what “kid me” would say about this.  I know what “adult-me” has to say.  If you go through all of this to convert it to what it is (and I still don’t know) why sell it?  You might as well keep it.

In a followup video, Rogel claims a “troll” watching his livestream called the police on him