Wait, you guys are talking about porn, right?
Wait, you guys are talking about porn, right?
Give me until next week when I have new tires on mine. The weather should be nice and I will be ready.
Been there. Nice place to eat after a good ride.
Came for your meme. Left satisfied.
Expensive, lol. Bit by the autocorrect machine, lol.
I say Nice Price on this one.....wait, wrong article. At 197k miles, I would be curious as to the clutch condition. German car - I’m sure a clutch replacement is hella expansive.
I will send you a bottle of Pepto. Please don’t cheat when you take it.
Issa is a comforting reminder that I am not the only person who keeps comically fucking up relationships...
A friend of mine just started a lease with one a few weeks ago, same color pictured. I like it for her and I see the appeal as it is a solid highway cruiser but since I’m not an SUV guy, it isn’t for me. As for the 2 screen thing, it takes some getting used to for sure.
Before I trade my car in, I delete all the data from the navigation just before I get all of the loose change from under the seats and emptying the glove box. It is just something I do. On the flip side, I deleted the personal info and past destinations (without looking) from my used car when I got it a few years ago.
So to those 53 percent of white women who voted for Trump, you played yourself, you played us, your daughters and all women who demand and deserve autonomy over their bodies.
Had a salad last night as a matter of fact. If you are asking me if I’m concerned about the totality of the situation - the answer is absolutely I am. The economy is already on a downturn and this won’t help.
He claimed that when they receive new cars they will only do 30 mph and that they are not completely finished and the dealer has to finish building them at the dealership.
As a person who doesn’t get the whole “Avocado thing” currently going around, my official response to this is:
Chevy Blazer - For when the Trax, Traverse, Equinox, Tahoe and Suburban aren’t enough to confuse potential customers and you need just one more damn SUV/Crossover.
I like it. I just don’t $15k like it. Good luck sir.
With the Colorado/Canyon(S-10/S-15 Jimmy) and the Ford Ranger coming back, it is like 2002 all over again. Time for me to go up in the attic and dust off my Walkman because at this rate, cassette tapes are right around the corner. Seriously, I do like this truck. My cousin is a Jeep girl and I think something like it…
Who in their right mind thinks these classes will work???
You know how we are. Even if something is perfect, we will still complain about it. The fact we are out there is a complaint itself.
Bethlehem Mall in Bankhead, Jerusalem...