Coolname McJones

Capaldi's acting is all I need.

Thoughts on this weeks Dr Who (these were written down as I watched it):

It cost the electricity to run the pumps for a few hours. How much do you want to bet it costs to put on an air show at your local air base. Nobody complains about those. I guarantee they are probably a gazillion times more expensive.

I think the problem you've identified can be blamed less on "government" in general and more on cowardly politicians trying to please an even dumber populace. See: "Christie, Chris — ebola panic response."

Ya know, I don't see the cuteness or whatever in Black Dahlia anything. I've read the book "Severed" and have seen what was done to her. It's not cool. It's an unsolved murder case, a horrific murder case. There are so many other things to be. 100 years from now will it be okay to be Hannah Graham? Or Kitty Genovese?

At least we are spared that "where am I" facial expression.

The answer, unfortunately, is probably that 1 year in time ~ 1 light year distance. meaning that if you want to travel any appreciable since

You've just made me a tad prouder to be Danish. ^_^

A question for the wisdom of King Solomon, surely....

As the Nazis looted German jews, two jewish Nobel laureates (Max von Laue and James Franck) sent their gold Noble prize medals to Niels Bohr in Copenhagen for safekeeping. However the Nazis later occupied Denmark, and as they marched up the streets of the city, chemist Georgy de Hevesy frantically dissolved the medals

Now playing

It's been consistently darker and stranger than Chapelle show.

The "Is she a gamer or not?" thing is...pretty much a pointless discussion, as far as I'm concerned, and is something she has addressed multiple times. Regardless, either her criticism is valid or it isn't; trying to dismiss her because she's "not a gamer" (or even because you believe she lied about it) is a textbook

It's not about glorification, exactly. And I understand the argument about villains being bad guys, and all that. But...

Well, when you see writers using the victimization of helpless women (often sexually, but sometimes through non-sexual violence) over and over and over again as a shortcut to signify villainy, it

thunderf00t is an "atheist"/anti-feminist critic on Youtube who has produced some of the most famous "rebuttals" to her work. That's why I bring him up.

Do you have any examples of her confusion between a "general" trope and a gender-specific one? Regardless, I don't think it actually really matters, particularly if

If her arguments are shallow and dishonest, it should be trivially easy to provide an intellectually rigorous, honest rebuttal of them. I have yet to see anyone actually do that.

I've seen some critiques take (nuanced) issue with some of her points, and that's good! That's how this sort of discussion is supposed to can certainly make an argument to that effect, but there's also an argument to be made for taking portrayals on their own terms, divorced from the larger context.

For instance: the episode of Family Guy, "Quagmire's Dad", was explicitly intended by Seth MacFarlane to be a positive portrayal of trans people. He

But that's the thing: the presence of all that other stuff doesn't somehow negate the bits she talks about. The question isn't "Is there other stuff in the game?", because there ALWAYS is. There's always going to be some justification, some reason why X is there in the game.

When looking at larger trends, though, it

She had been called out so many times for cherry picking, lying and twisting facts that to even consider her a member of academia is funny.