Coolname McJones

Also should check out the reviews at the AV Club where they play a "Space Mutiny" type game every episode of goofy nicknames for Ward:

Watch the show for Fitz. He is killing it this season.

True everything. And we have seen Kyle Maclachlan properly in only one episode but he seems the correct balance between crazy, mysterious and menacing. The show has gotten a lot better on action lately, and the villain of the week format has been ditched for the best. I liked the starting of the season 1 too, but it

11) If more people don't watch it ABC will cancel it and air reruns of The Bachelor. Let's be better than that.

Now playing

The show is worth it just for moments like this:

It's the kind of idea that sorta-kinda almost makes sense, so long as you wilfully ignore the existence of record-keeping civilizations outside of Western Europe.

The demonization by the specter of mud suddenly released from the Internet sling made of slander rubber is enough to knock me to the ground of sadness and into the puddle of indignation from which I plan to rise like a Phoenix of righteousness knocking over my detractors with my diamond talons of truth.

Can't say I blame her. Look how that turned out for Mary.

OH MY GOD. This guy is irritating me so much.

Faith in this is increasing now. Even if it still feels a little Disneyfied, it sounds like the adult themes are still there. I'll hope that they are keeping the song and not just the Prince/Baker's Wife scene (but "I was raised to be charming, not sincere" is one of my favorite lines from the show and one I

Wanda's saying "No more Mutants." And the Fox films disappear out of existence.

Obviously they're making Skye the leader of the Avengers in this movie. And whenever she's not on screen, everyone else just asks, "Where's Skye?"

Once again I find myself appreciating Marvel's commitment to gratuitous male nudity.

Reading "gamification" (FSM, what a crappy word!) texts for work, I came across the SPAS model:

Ryan is that you

I don't interpret it as smugness. I'm no fan of Sarkeesian's presentation style, but in this instance, I believe that Tweet should be read as, "Seriously, the fuck. You're not going to shut me up, so keep trying."

In that—even if I disagree with her methods (though I do agree with her message, as she's been bang-on

Better then having a couple of Roma and Jewish characters willingly working with Nazis!

my knowledge of musical theater tells me that it has to do with highly choreographed dance fighting between The Sharks and The Jets