
Very good shoeeeee… thats all i got. Continued coverage please.

Looks more like supe-rapitalist to me. Y'know, like a suped up rapitalist? What a rapitalist is exactly i'll leave to the Tosh's of the world to define and inappropriately joke about… i'm going to stop saying rapitalist now.

Looks more like supe-rapitalist to me. Y'know, like a suped up rapitalist? What a rapitalist is exactly i'll leave to the Tosh's of the world to define and inappropriately joke about… i'm going to stop saying rapitalist now.

Since when are bo derek and speaking english considered "fictional attributes"?

Since when are bo derek and speaking english considered "fictional attributes"?

A line might could be drawn when characters pass back and forth between various animated forms.

A line might could be drawn when characters pass back and forth between various animated forms.

Phoebe's existence in Mad About You eas explicitly referenced in Friends?

Phoebe's existence in Mad About You eas explicitly referenced in Friends?

Here ya go.

Here ya go.

Not that i think it's cool or anything but when did hyperbolic name-calling become such a bootable offense?

Not that i think it's cool or anything but when did hyperbolic name-calling become such a bootable offense?

What a maroon

What a maroon

Apatow's kids in 'Taint Misbehavin'

As an on -again off-again heroin smoker I'm very curious about its depiction in this book. Intriguing that it doesn't appear to either glamorize or demonize the drug, as that is the usual dichotomy one finds when drugs are the issue at hand.

Dude you started this joke with the words "foray into" but then just dropped it and bluntly stated the punchline? Fuckin amateur.

Yeah, I agree this show has plenty of dodgy moments but this episode at least is throughly funny. The way Warwick impatiently tells arriving guests to shut the door so he can climb back down his little ladder, the bizarre personal confession the lawyer makes to Cat, with his hilarious coda: "and don't think I haven't

We will watch it on our iFones like the characters of this modern/media age comdie