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    Writing shit like that is painful. I hope Jason is well paid.

    Fox probably controls Doop. Zorry.

    I liked the movie for at least one reason, but was really disappointed when I saw the international version. I was really hoping the dumb prologue was only for stupid American audiences. It's basically a Perry Mason thing. The twist ending is revealed at the beginning. Just ridiculous. Crazy masturbating lesbians are

    Memes are dumb.

    Probably won't be much like that time Shade: the Changing Man switched genders.

    All the coolest people get fired from that show, he must be great!

    Hey now!

    Jeez…. can't wait for the official PR statement from Urban Outfitters about their new ironically co-opted nostalgia shit.

    I want to be a deleted comment when I grow up.

    Filthy money handlers!

    2016 - Netflix defeats HBO in bidding war over next season of Girls. Nobody notices.

    "Why's EVERYBODY so obsessed with age?" - my defense at a statutory rape trial.