
@kettlewhistle: Yeah, I hate how all my friends have first.last@gmail addresses and I don't. And mine isn't in use either. It's pretty frustrating stuff.

This article makes me want to learn how to be handy. When I've got my own place next year, I think I'll start buying and accumulating tools.

I strongly dislike the default Windows 7 taskbar, never liked docks much. I have it tweaked to look as much as possible like the Vista taskbar.

@MattChance: Real music listeners sit at their computer, motionless except for the minor vibrations of fapping, as they scan through the latest FLAC release of Enya with Bose cans pumping 100dBs into their heads.

@Unionhawk: How about video games that make you feel like you're being productive?

I always wonder if using strategies like this are a better strategy than just biting the bullet and doing your work.

@RenRen: Most Lifehacker readers are probably borderline-OCD, I think they could benefit from having you on board.

Is there something obvious to show whether or not the YouTube video I'm watching is running in HTML5 or not?

Electronic music is electronic.

@aliking: If you were around before they invented strollers and childproof lids, you'd probably have a few aneurysms by now.

Great article to mark the beginning of spring cleaning season. I plan on going through most of the crap I've accumulated in my room soon.

@techfox: For $5, I will tell you about secret design program buried in the secret depths of Windows with which to get your logo company off the ground!

Good advice, unless the very reason you're calling a CSR is to haggle for a lower price. Which very often is effective for a number of services, telecom companies come to mind.

Good thing I didn't read this at 3pm, or I would be hungry for dinner way too early.

My one big problem with this workspace is that it's in Boston.

Unrelated, but I absolutely hate those tiny ThinkPads. My buddy has one, and I feel like a giant typing on its cramped little keyboard and trying to navigate with the nipple.