
@gumwrapper: Which really isn't very dangerous since modern gas stations have anti-burnback safety valves built into their fuel supplies. So a very apt comparison indeed!

That WorkAwesome article seems like a huge exercise in overthinking.

@Todd Shively: I'm sure I'm in the minority as well, but it's quite lacking in the jazz department.

Grooveshark doesn't have a great selection of songs.

@mfusion: When the power goes out, the first thing you think of isn't "let's go get some dry ice!" Nobody does that stuff, don't kid yourself.

@Thena: It starts melting, sure, but it delays the melting of your actual food. That's the point, it's a buffer.

@Jack Schuleman: I got it before RIM started requiring data plan purchases along with their phones.

Why would you want to defrost your freezer? If there's so much ice it's taking away from size capacity you need? I don't understand.

I can't wait until I have enough cash to justify buying the Nexus One or one of its successors.

@SuperTuna: Real men sharpen their karate chops on the blades of their enemies, and then karate chop the crap out of them.

@wjglenn: If I saw a dude carrying around a "pocketmod," I'd automatically assume he's a loser. Seems like it's more of an anti-lifehack to me.

@Marand: The dude needs to trip lucy again and mellow out. Stop being a big evil corporation dude.

Real men use karate chops, not knives.

@dynendal: Oscar mike to whiskey hotel, bra.

@Bill Clark: Yeah man, those damn stoners and their "benders."

Not every amateur photographer has developed a steady enough hand to shoot an flashless image like the one featured in this post.

@MyRealName: I don't know, I firmly believe that unless Apple abandons that business model nobody will be buying Apple products 15-20 years from now.

@getjustin: I'm a huge fan, and I laughed out loud at that. One big e-thumbs up to you, sir!

@MyRealName: Yes, most consumers are dumb. Dumb people buy into dumb product-traps. What's your point?