
Is there any non-iTunes media player that has support for the shared library thing iTunes does? Where you load up iTunes and you can see everyone else's iTunes library on the same network as you?

It looks like a crappy flash game.

I have the whole iProduct naming scheme, especially when it's not an Apple product.

I have a feeling if I had a glass desk I'd constantly be accidentally knocking into it with stuff.

Here's one made with a film canister, with a slot for flash color filters.

@JosephCole: Well I tried it with a flashlight and it works. So maybe you misunderstood what I said.

@HurtsSoGood: That guy also had a very strict and healthy diet other than the Big Macs. This thread has turned pretty snarky and I didn't mean for it to. All I've been trying to say is that "calorie" has become kind of a demonized word and it shouldn't be. Eating healthy without worrying about calories is a better

How about just one straw, and a piece of construction paper rolled into a cone and taped to the straw to funnel the light into the straw? Think beer-bong.

@Lisa Hoover: Gah, I didn't mean to insult you, just the silly facts like how much exercise is needed to render the food you just ate useless.

@HurtsSoGood: I understand your point, and it's the truth for the majority of people. However, statements like "no activity plus fatty fast food equals weight gain" really aren't true. There's a lot of other factors you have to consider, like how much food you're eating.

@Haizum74: Yes they do, if all you're counting as "burning calories" is calories burned through exercise.

@Yossarian: The majority of adult humans stay at a constant weight. The majority of adult humans don't burn 2k+ calories through exercise daily.

@Yossarian: Then explain to me how billions of people maintain a constant weight without burning as many calories as they eat? Or why you can starve to death while still eating super-miniature versions of a healthy balanced diet, all while not exercising at all?

@exwizard: It's a metaphor for the restrictive properties of static social networking sites on the bleak futures of our future generations.

Ugh. Misinformation like this makes me want to eat a dozen Big Macs.

@infmom: What's a stroller?

@bnetter12: Have it, doesn't get rid of these banner flash ads. Neither did adsweep.

I'm inordinately pissed off about how intrusive the top-of-the-page advertisements are getting. Flash ads that cover up part of the page are the bane of the internet, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE remove them.

I wonder if anyone's ever tried vacuum sealing their penis for birth control?