
That travel mug looks like an electric razor.

I really like the new layout.

@tande04: It's completely pointless on a phone with an accelerator too.

@eirrikr: I'm probably in the minority here, but when I get to an old-timey html site like that I tend to take it more seriously.

I just type in "showname episodename number" into Hulu's basic search box and it's always come up with what I'm looking for. If Hulu has it, that is.

Real Madrix 4eva

When I can't find something on a private tracker site, I usually just google "_what_I_want_ torrent" and there it is.

@Merricat: Er, you don't break the bulb to get to the inside. Just the little cap part on the end. And tapping on the end with a tool doesn't result in shrapnel being thrown into your face.

@robots199: Don't blame yourself. I am a professional at finding oversights in photoshopped pictures.

@Merricat: Um, making an opening in the metal part isn't exactly "manhandling" it. Have you ever actually opened up the end of a lightbulb?

There's nothing in the trash can.

Are the safety goggles really necessary? I don't usually open up light bulbs by bashing them against my forehead.

@jeffk: I completely disregarded the city environment, I definitely see the advantages now.

Why do so many people ride one-speed bikes nowadays?

@holdem: Welcome to the internet, you must be new here. There are a few things you should know about the internet before you type something silly and end up regretting it.

@TreePlanter: Yeah, isn't that rule introduced in 2nd grade? Some young realty genius skipped a grade and missed some fundamentals! #workspaces

Looks like the vulture unit from starcraft.

Might need a bigger filter to grow in that thing. Unless you're growing autoseeding dwarves.