How are you not getting that the vote would be proportional to the population under this system and thus, no state would have sway?
How are you not getting that the vote would be proportional to the population under this system and thus, no state would have sway?
IDK if you know this, but the electoral college was designed to work the way it does, in fact, work. They made it such that the electors COULD choose something else. That’s part of the fabric of our country.
I am really tired of people acting like people just not showing up was the most significant factor in the low voter turnout. We already know that voter ID laws and active voter suppression was a real problem this election, as it is in most elections. Also incredibly tired of people drawing false equivalencies between…
I’m talking about every democratically elected or selected despot. Hitler arguably being one since he was appointed after his party got the most seats in the mixed republican system. I don’t think we should be in the business of regularly Kanye Shrugging at the will of the people, but when the will of the people is…
I don’t think the perception that we need to represent regional geographic diversity over other kinds squares at all with the fact of globalization.
It’s actually forcing it to represent some parts significantly more than others at the great expense of the majority of Americans.
I’m not sure I understand, even as a former resident of middle america, how giving disproportionate representation to some of the least productive, progressive, educated and otherwise useful states in the union provides a boon to the rest of us.
That’s not what I asked. I asked if there was *any* democratically elected leader.
I’m not empowering anything: the EC already has this power and always has had it. We’ve had faithless electors before, just not on the scale we hope to now. If this prompts both sides to see problems in the system and abolish it going forward, all the better.
A check like the electoral college, you mean?
Reaaaally? You cannot think of one time in history when a democratically elected leader shouldn’t have been allowed to rise to power?
Most of us didn’t vote for him, though. This is the result of jerrymandering and voter disenfranchisement. We got the government less than 25% of us deserve.
Most of the people I see hoping for stray EC voters DO want to get rid of the system and see this as a good way to point out its flaws to people on both sides of the aisle. We’ve always known the EC was a bullshit system made to give disproportionate representation to slave states. What is preserved by upholding it in…
Voting in line with the popular vote doesn’t undermine democracy, it undermines republicanism.
Yep. I mean, I’m lucky in that I was one of the rare kids who does the school, gets the degree and now has a well-paying job that would theoretically allow me to pay people to do a lot of this for me if I lived paycheck to paycheck. But I’d really prefer not to have to Trump my way through life and then end up in…
The guy who made the video is autistic.
On the other hand, though, the person who made this was autistic. I highly doubt that he’d agree that he was putting a child up for public ridicule by suggesting that they might share this attribute.
I agree. Like we were told in my high school that it was stupid and unnecessary (by our parents and each other, mostly) but god, would it have been good to have. I literally had my girlfriend show me how to chop an onion like a week ago. Apparently I’ve been doing it the stupid, hand-slicey way.
Oh, no, I don’t think so. Deadspin comments stack weird on my phone sometimes.
And I’ve said as much elsewhere, but it’s not really fair to blame millennials for not being able to do basic adult things when (1) our parents didn’t teach us and (2) schools mostly don’t offer practical life skills classes anymore.