Tony Stark, forever grey.

Your judgment that it’s not immoral is exactly that: your judgment. Based on my own judgment as well as my experiences with this, I profoundly disagree, as I’ve noted elsewhere. Will Arnett is taking advantage of a power imbalance. Whether or not he’s doing it consciously is debatable, but it’s happening. And your

You called me an idiot and stupid. I was not making things personal. I was responding to repeated personal attacks by suggesting that a person who was making those attacks probably had a personal stake in the conversation that you were not disclosing. Which I still definitely think is the case, since you said you are,

Corporate bankruptcy is complicated, but suffice to say it doesn’t necessarily mean Gawker or its staff is going anywhere.

I’m guessing you have a much older or much younger partner, given how weird, ad hominem and personal you’re making this. You can say it’s about ME all you want, but it’s becoming more and more clear that it’s about you.

You honestly don’t see how it’s potentially predatory for a man in his late 40s in a position of power in Hollywood to date a barely-legal young woman? An older man exclusively dating teens and twenty-somethings is creepy. It’s creepy when Will Arnett does it, it’s creepy when Brian Singer does it, it’s creepy when

Because it’s grammatically correct.

If you really think it’s not the place of women to comment on a much older man’s behavior towards very young women in the entertainment industry, I’d encourage you to read the recent article about Profiles Theater in Chicago. When you’re a celebrity and your personal life involves being potentially predatory, that

Studies have just found female sexuality to be more demonstrably fluid. I think it’s social conditioning, probably, but it’s true nonetheless.

I really couldn’t disagree with you more. The power imbalance in a relationship between a famous hollywood actor in his 40s and a 20-year-old ingenue is massive. If he’s bringing a bunch of 20-year-old girls around set, it’s creepy and uncomfortable for the people he works with. This is the sort of behavior that I

As a queer person, I don’t subscribe to the “born this way” rhetoric. Sexuality is fluid and can change over time, especially for women. I just don’t think it’s a thing you can consciously or deliberately change, so efforts like this are completely stupid and anyone who thinks it’s their business should just go be on

I don’t think the feminism of the show is about rooting for the character, it’s in the fact that we’re now getting the shows about complex, unlikeable antihero women that we’ve always been getting about men. Rachel isn’t a feminist icon by any stretch of the imagination, and I don’t think I ever really root for her

Dude, it was in France, you have no sense of nuance. It’s not shitty like it would be if she was a white lady had a “spiritual experience” in some impoverished or war torn country where she had no connection to the culture and came back as some sort of neobuddhist. She didn’t Eat Pray Love herself. She had a

I’m team Early Season 1 Rafael?

I think “bullying” has an intent requirement that isn’t met here — you have to intend to cause harm or irritation of some kind. But I agree that it reinforces the bullying. So I think she’s justified in feeling bullied, but it doesn’t mean they’re bullying her.

I don’t think bullying is the right word, but it’s semantics. There is still a big difference between what they did and just doing something she didn’t like. She might not like a dress they put her in, or the way they did her makeup. But trying to change her fundamental attributes as if she can’t be pretty WITH those

I agree that bullying isn’t the right word, because I think bullying requires a sort of targeted deliberate offensiveness that isn’t present here. It’s offensive, it’s a kind of microaggression, but it’s not necessarily bullying.

For the record, Tom, I am so deeply sorry that this happened to you. And I’m glad you’ve found a good person who actually likes you instead of pretending to do so for ratings.

You know what is really fucked up about this?

Because I offered a different take without actually saying anything shitty about your opinion, and you responded by ignoring what I said, putting words in my mouth, and then mocking me.