Tony Stark, forever grey.

Your words:

I am a queer cis person. I also said “much” of the privilege, not “all” of the privilege. The fact is that gay white men have benefited immensely from the contributions of trans women of color — who literally started the American LGBT civil rights movement, which borrowed heavily from the black civil rights movement.

Are you retracting your argument that labeling something as bigotry creates a moral obligation to correct the behavior by sleeping with people, or are instead arguing that the discrimination in this case is not bigotry?

Thank god someone showed up to think of the white cis men. They certainly never receive any acknowledgment.

I think you’re mistaken. In your comment, you compared race and transness by comparing race and a combination of sex organs and secondary sex characteristics. If there was another way you intended for me to interpret that comment, I don’t believe the communication error occurred on my end.

I agree that we all contribute to upholding the patriarchy, but women didn’t *create* it. We also lack the institutional power to personally change emotional expectations for men when they were created by men based on male ideals. We can choose not to reinforce them - which feminists work to do - but we don’t have the

Lol okay, but the thing I said is actually true.

Transness isn’t a matter of different genitals or secondary sex characteristics. (Nor is cis ness - many AFAB women don't have the expected sex organs or characteristics for a multitude of reasons.) Many trans women have had gender affirmation surgery. Many trans women are outwardly feminine in every visually

I think that's a pretty safe bet.

It doesn’t create an obligation, though. It says that people who dismiss the idea of dating any trans woman out of hand are transphobic. I see no argument for this not being true. It doesn’t say you should be sexual with anyone you’re not attracted to or interested in. It says that if you wouldn’t date a woman you

No, your stuff about “changing men” is a red herring. Emotional tasks are things that men SHOULD already know how to do, but aren’t because of socialization. Women expecting basic emotionally fluency from men in relationships is not remotely unreasonable. Frankly, neither is expecting women to know how to change a

To be clear, I would find someone using an accusation of bigotry as sexual leverage completely despicable. Even if it’s true. But you say yourself that it’s not used in an individualized way. I’m not advocating for the use of this term, and I see no reason to use it when the problem can be described in far simpler

Yeah. I think it’s possible that reasonable minds or approaches may differ on some issues as we try to forward the rights of many similar but different groups, but I dont think the communities actually want different things. Or that they WOULD if they all understood each other. It's more of a disagreement about how to

If that is what it actually means, then I obviously disagree with anything that obligates women to have sex they don’t want. But I don’t remotely believe that’s what trans lesbians actually advocate for. I stand by my earlier assertion that it’s a call for women to examine their biases and admit that dismissing all

How is it not misogynistic for you to reduce a woman to her sex organs?

I'm sorry, are you truly so ignorant as to believe that trans women don't experience gender based oppression and violence?

It is very nice to meet the both of you, ma’ams.

I’ve never used the term and don’t particularly intend to, but I have never in my life seen a trans woman argue that a lesbian is obligated to sleep with her regardless of interest, and I have yet to see a source indicating as much.

Did you miss the part where I said it’s fine if you want to work things out that way? Because it’s right at the very beginning.

The Planned Parenthood post that she links explicitly disagrees with her. Talking about general frustrations that lesbians as a group dismiss trans women out of hand is in no way the same as saying that every cis lesbian has to sleep with any trans woman who wants to sleep with her. It’s about examining biases, not