Tony Stark, forever grey.

You have no fucking idea what women experience, what’s worse, or what hurts more. The fact that some women are catty with each other is so not on the level of systematic oppression. The fact that you don’t understand the difference between oppression and hurt feelings speaks volumes.

Well, we’re constantly told by men that when men rape women it’s not their fault because they can’t help themselves around a short skirt, so.

“I’m sorry - are you telling women they need to be more sensitive to expectations put on men, and their needs, on a post that’s literally about women being unfairly required to shoulder the burden of men’s needs, and their family’s needs, without reciprocation?”

The patriarchy was created by men, period. Patriarchy norms are created by men, period. Men have the institutional power to make changes to male expectations, period.

Are you having a stroke?

Women are not responsible for the creation of the patriarchy, and they don’t have the necessary institutional power to fix it when men reinforce it.

Yeah, I always write treatises on the complexities of the patriarchy in my jezebel comments. That’s definitely something I owe you.

There are women who will take on some of those small tasks voluntarily. But most of the time, it’s that a guy takes care of him self so little that it’s actually embarrassing, uncomfortable or inconvenient to let him live in his own filth. Stuff like women cleaning up guys’ apartments, doing their dishes, buying new

If you want to work things out that way, you should be able to choose to. But what needs to stop happening is men assuming that women will pull the bulk of this weight simply because they don’t feel like learning how, and devaluing the time, effort and energy that goes into it. Men constantly assume that women will

Emotional expectations for men are created by men. Emotional expectations for women are also created by men. Feminists are working on this, but if you want to see change, women aren’t the people you need to snark at.

Let’s be real. All of his “jewish friends” are the people he pays to handle his lawsuits.

People should end up on watch lists for this stuff.

I legitimately don’t understand antisemitic holocaust deniers. If you don’t think Jewish folks are people you should think it’s fine and see no reason to deny it. Like what is their position? “This thing would be totally fine and I’d support it but of course it’s completely impossible that anyone ever attempted it.”

It was a common joke at the time. Long before roofies existed.

I’m not saying there’s no way. And you know I’m not saying that. What I’m saying is that the reputation may have already existed, and it may be evidence that Rolling Stone’s belief in Jackie’s story was reasonable. And again. This is a reputation they had for two weeks before Christmas break.

I think I read that they use paid plants.

I don’t know the precise makeup of this fraternity right this moment, but I do know that there is not one single person of color on their website or facebook page, I know what the socioeconomic makeup of the school and the frat system is liek, and I know what kind of reputation the UVA frats have. So yes, I am very

I’m not saying it isn’t awkward or uncomfortable, and I’m not saying everyone will believe it. But the conversation is definitely that simple. There’s really nothing to explain. If you don’t know anything, the only answer is “I don’t know anything.” Given that families usually support criminal defendants under similar

I have a friend who was an undergrad at the school at that time. There was not the sort of universal acceptance of the story that you seem to suggest. I saw a lot of people who were defending the frat even before there was any suggestion that the story was fabricated. If the guys can PROVE that emotional harm rising

I’ll grant that much. If they limit damages to that window, I’d be fine with the suit for the fraternity succeeding. Any other damage is speculative at best. Especially since Rolling Stone never named names.