Tony Stark, forever grey.

And my point is, and remains, that introducing character evidence re: the victim is always bad form and decidedly irrelevant in this case. Whether or not you personally view it as undermining the seriousness of the crime committed, that’s how others use it.

Immaterial to what happened to him. ENTIRELY immaterial to that. There is no reason to introduce evidence that he might or might not have been irresponsible in a conversation about how a complete stranger who knew nothing about him or his girlfriend deliberately struck them and sent her to the hospital with broken

My understanding was that his motorcycle certification was not current, or might have had restrictions. It’s possible that he may live in a small city/county where it’s not enforced, and drove into a larger metropolitan area. Don’t know.

invalid license. not no license. didn’t have a current. motorcycle certification.

invalid license. he had a license that didn’t have a current motorcycle certification.

He wasn’t driving without a license, it didn’t have the correct motorcycle certification. And SUPER fuck you for acting like two traffic infractions now justify murder.

That’s legit. I haven’t really started yet — or I don’t think so, anyway — but you know. An ounce of prevention > a pound of cure.

Thank you! Have you found that it helps with collagen production overall?

Question! Do you think it would be less if you just had a few spots? I’ve never had bad acne, but I have issues with picking, so there are some random spots on my face that just didn’t really heal right.

I don’t know, man. The way Andrew Lincoln delivered the “I’m doing stuff, Lori. Things.” line will live on long past the death of the Walking Dead.

Are you kidding me? The driver of the other car had to swerve into the other lane, ALSO crossing the double yellow, in order to hit him. The only way he could be in any danger through his own conduct would be if the other driver also violated the rules of the road. But only the motorcyclist is at fault in your mind?

I watched the video, brah. Your weird desire to murder everyone who commits a minor traffic infraction isn’t going to fly here.

He certainly didn’t care. He could not have been more clear on that point.

The car swerved to hit him, in no way was he creating a dangerous condition for that car.

He literally said he didn’t care and that his actions were justified because he crossed the double yellow.

Contributory negligence isn’t a factor when it’s intentional.

Yeah, I definitely see some of that accessory-parenting behavior from a lot of different parents, and a lot of different kinds of people. People who view their children and their children’s achievements as an extension of themselves without really considering the child’s wants and needs. People who assume what their

Do you live in a world where the punishment for breaking any law is death?

The victim blaming is strong with this one.

You seriously think the guy who was intentionally hit by this car didn’t have to get away from a dangerous situation? That he had nothing to fear from this driver?