Tony Stark, forever grey.

My point is that you’re only posting so that people will care about what you’re saying, so it’s absurd for you to then mock others for caring about what you said. There’s no reason for you to post except that YOU care about how others react to you. It’s ludicrous to act like they are unique in caring about the

I agree that it’s stupid, because it’s stupid to give money to discriminatory bigots when they should be going out of business. But it’s potentially unlawful for them to refuse service to gay couples. I realize Indiana law allows it, but some recent federal decisions suggest that it may be unlawful sex discrimination

I don’t care.

My first thought was that her wig had slipped a little.

To me this reads as more just self-absorbed and oblivious than passive aggressive — like she feels the compulsive ned to post about literally everything she’s thinking and feeling at all times, and is totally unaware of how it might read — but I can see how it might be PA. You obviously know her and can interpret her

Why did you let her??

But you’re not homophobic or anything

Let’s get gay married and order some of Mavy’s pizza.

You know that saying you’re not racist or homophobic is that sort of thing that, when it has to be said, is virtually never true, right? You don’t get to decide if you’re bing racist or homophobic.

You say that like it can’t be both.

You literally are inviting that comparison. Just like Hitler would have. Of course I’m not comparing you to Hitler.

Pretty sure the KKK isn’t a protected class.

Because you really wanted us all to know it.

What are you even talking about

Your point is literally that someone shouldn’t interfere with someone else’s ability to deny them of their rights.

Excuse you.

I can only assume that customer was actually Alastor “Mad Eye” Moody.

I thought you went with the tip line. I would hate for a mathematical error to screw someone out of a tip, when what I wrote in the tip line was clearly what I intended to leave.

But that isn’t what happened here. The crime was reported, a no contact order issued, and he did almost no time despite the fact that he clearly continued to present a threat.
