
Really hoping the guy who calls him “Hawkguy” appears in this, bro.

Just an FYI re: slideshows. If you “Restore Down” on desktop (ie un-maximize) you can read the entire slideshow without having to click.

Surprisingly, I actually remember watching this show a ton as a kid. There was an episode where they switched bodies that I absolutely loved and would look forward to every time it aired a re-run. I have to imagine that it would not hold up if I were to revisit it now, especially considering I do not at all remember

This is almost the exact story I was about to tell, only my brother saved over my file where I had cheats that gave me infinite Master Balls and I had caught a shiny Graveler.

I’m amazed that the Ghibli Museum could have even further reduced capacity. I think they only let in, what, a few hundred people per day during non-COVID times?

Which reminds me, perhaps the Super Street Talking Bat Luge can make an appearance!

  • According to Bulbapedia, in the Alola region, sticking one’s hand inside this thing is considered a way to prove how brave you are and also sounds like another stunt to add to the Pokemon version of Jackass.

I have to say you were very brave to even look for fanart of Kirlia because I have to imagine that image searches for it (and especially its evolution, Gardevoir) are probably like 90 percent porn at this point, right?

I don’t know what to say other than HELL FUCKING YES

I’m very near the end of the story mode (I think) of Monster Hunter: World, and I think I’m finally nearing the end of Hollow Knight, so I hope to maybe finish one of those this weekend. In the latter, I finally triumphed against the Nosk, that awful spidery boss, and I’m now taking on the Soul Master, which has

I’ve been catching up on The Amazing Spider-Man by Nick Spencer (I’m going through the TPs), and also the new Fantastic Four series. Slowly making my way through the early 2010s New Mutants as well. I still have a ton of unread stuff on Comixology that I’ve snapped up when they’re on sale, but work has gotten so busy

I went on a huge Black Panther-collecting binge last night when I found out everything was free. Very pumped to dig into it!

I’ll wait for the inevitable “they’ll ruin this like they ruined GoT!!!!!” comments, but I’ll also add: I am very interested to see what this series looks like when finished. The books are very thoughtful and very grounded, so I’d like to see how this could be done visually without it just being a series of exposition

A few months ago the hooks of Marvel Puzzle Quest got wedged deep into me. I probably spend a total of at least 30 minutes a day playing now, but I’m past the phase where I actually (for the first time in my life) spent real money for the game.

Came here to say basically this. Take your star.

Don’t forget Blight!

I’m thinking Deathstroke is probably going to be in it to some capacity.

That was such a gorgeous and heartfelt series. My only little quibble with the last episode is that thread that didn’t get pulled when one of the kids suggests that Leon’s not really smiling.

If it helps: I’m not one who can necessarily beat difficult games, but I did manage to beat this (though it took me a while). It is difficult, but it’s more or less a game of pattern recognition and responding appropriately. I find that dying doesn’t make me angry because I know that I haven’t “figured out” the boss