
"It's a-me, Oliver!"

I really hope we still have Cavanaugh next season. He's been a delight.

I always feel the same way when Spider-Man is shooting webs. It rarely looks like he's ever aiming at anything but sky, at least to me.

Question makes everything better.

In that scene where Caitlin said she wanted to finally move on, I was SO waiting for Barry to say "By the way, I peeked."

Scott, your last stray thought basically mirrored my exact thought process during that stinger (and for about 10 minutes after).

Seriously? No commenter has yet made a "Coming Distractions" joke?

That would be the one!

Weather Wizard is confirmed, and I'd love to see how this show would do Mirror Master.

Did You Even Try, Internet?

Fuck, Varrick and Zhu Li just make me so irrationally happy.

The first issue of Justice League Dark features the Justice League getting eviscerated by rotting teeth. If the movie just goes for full-on fucked-up like that, I'm in.

She dwelled more on him being sad about Sue's horrific death.

I texted my girlfriend in excitement about hearing Ralph Dibny's name and then she reminded me of what happens to him during 52.

Never seen The Killing so I'm fine with what Arrow's doing.

No kidding. I'm kind of glad the show is parading a list of possible murder suspects and then yanking them away quickly. I don't want to think "Aha! This is who killed her!" and then find out five episodes later that it's yet another red herring.

Subtle dick-measuring contests are great.

And Question investigating it!!

I am beyond pumped for Grodd. Maybe someday we'll get Gorilla City, and it will be glorious. Make it happen, CW!

"It's like 'Inglourious Basterds' but with 'Chang' instead of 'In.' I don't get it either."