
@avclub-0281c77d4804c27bb4d344e5ee290829:disqus  I really hope not.
@brig915 I might coming back if NPH does.

I feel like I've been in an unhealthy relationship with this show. Once this season finale airs, I'm done with it.

I agree- Joe is a total dud of a character. All he seems to be is essentially a character that can't have one conversation without mentioning God or the fact that he's Christian. We get it.
And I am dreading the upcoming body-swapping episode. Dear god.

Oh god, that IS a sad thought.

I definitely need to rewatch this episode. I'm not sure if I caught everything. That being said, my favourite two parts were Leonard watching Annie and Jeff's tender scene at season 1's end, and the reappearance of Troy and Abed In the Morning. I didn't think that would come back since Troy and Abed are basically


I totally agree that the scene where Finn flipped out about his general aimlessness was fantastic. That is, until Will ruined it by telling him to watch Saturday Night Fever and figure out his life. I was so furious that Finn discovered what he wanted to do based on that movie that I actually yelled at the TV. I know