
The very picture of charisma, isn’t he?

Note: The Dream Act did not offer a path citizenship. Nor did it even offer residence. Only deferred action. Also the qualifications were far more stringent than just being a young person brought over as a child.

Does anyone else find it odd that, in the middle of Hollywood imploding over sexual harassment/assault allegations, this story practically gives this woman a pass on being a manipulative pyscho? I mean... in many (most?) states, what she did would be considered crimes, no?

It would help if blog/news aggregators would stop self-identifying as journalists.

Yea, I get you on education. But I was driving at the fact that our government is so incompetent not because of funding, or lack thereof, but because it’s habitually staffed with incompetents. And to a much greater extent this past year. The federal government can’t be effective if it’s filled with confrontational

As for deficit spending you are correct this is a mixed bag. The question is however, is how the money is spent. But, in both the cases I listed below the spending might pay for itself through increased wages and job growth. However... it could also be off set by say closing corporate loopholes, keeping the estate

You must have been overjoyed to find a reason to deflect my point. Congrats on being the left’s Fox News: partisan entertainment masquerading as “news.”

Oh, sick burn. Way to deflect the conversation. They teach you that in “journalism school?”

Here’s the simple fact: The Washington Post did journalism the right way, and Jezebel did not.

Only the clay ones. ;-)


We do have data.

Unless you shoot milsurps.

We let people drink, smoke, eat shitty food, not exercise, and expose themselves to carcinogens. All of which kill far more Americans every year than firearms.

Embarrassing that they felt the need to lie. Law enforcement agencies don’t even track defensive firearm uses.

My chance of death by homicide is 40%?

This doesn’t play well with the “no civilian should have any gun for any reason” crowd.

Wow! I think we are headed into that area of facts vs alternative facts.