
Feminism has permeated society and that is a good thing. it’s not watered down, it’s sinking in.

Co-author? You’re giving trump waaaaaay too much credit.

1. Stupid people didn’t vote. 2. Stupid people voted.


It will keep him busy! I support this idiocy.

My prediction: It will be a much smaller amount than $35 billion, it will be more fence than wall, and it probably just be a reinforcement or an extension of what is already there. But it will allow trump to claim victory and tell us how great his beautiful wall is and that is all that matters.

Does your friend not understand that woman hold combat roles in the military due to the influence of feminism? Tell her those soldiers would still be WACs or shuffling paper on the base if women hadn’t marched for equal opportunity. Feminism got those women where they are.

They have to use eminent domain to take the land if the owners refuse to sell, but the 5th amendment has a “takings” clause that covers the treatment of private property. The possibility of a big can of worms is big league.

But girls schools and boys schools don’t exist on a large scale, they are just an available choice, and research has shown that girls thrive when boys are not part of the classroom.

I have a magnifier and I found Hillary and Bill, and Melania and Baron. It just looks like a great crowd because of the vantage point, which looks kind of low, like maybe the second floor? and also probably shot with a wide angle lens.

it was literally a product placement in the trump presidential reality show, and Michelle knows it.

Look at that face! He looks like the ghost of Christmas past.

Humility is not an option.

I was (literally) taught contempt for Comic Sans by my typography instructor in the EIGHTIES.

They are “ad creatives” getting their names out there. They are promoting themselves and this is a portfolio piece. They should send you a fruit basket.

Holding a woman responsible for male behavior is about as anti-feminist as you can get.

I normally don’t have any room to be calling out others over cultural appropriation (because white girl) but this smacked of it from go.

That part of his comment is his opinion, and his perception, which is not necessarily representative of objective reality.  

I’ve decided to think of it as if it were a silent e. It could modify the pronunciation of the i, or it could do nothing at all, like Prince’s glyph. The other alternative is to not accept it. It’s kinda dumb.

As a white man I’m really struggling with this whole idea that we’re being violently discriminated against? Why and how? I don’t understand how these people think that’s what’s happening at the moment. Isn’t it more about making sure everyone else has the ease of opportunity that white people, particularly men have