
He’s made bolder claims:

He probably should avoid talking about breaking anything down.

And apparently you are an expert in both civilian and military technical stuff able to lecture everyone here who happens to differ from your highly analitic insight.

I disagree 100% with that email, but if it’s worse than things your uncles (Chuck or otherwise) post on Facebook, you’ve got some pretty tame uncles.

Good to see you back here again. Times are lean on FA.

Upgraded diesel electrics and the newer AIP subs are pretty damn quiet

Amen shipmate!

Sounds like you have some reading to do.


Alright I will play your game. Lets look at our Return on Investment in two very popular areas.

The intelligence services have the primary burden until 1 second after the war starts. Then YOU need the US Navy to know exactly where those submarines are at that very moment, or YOU are screwed.

Well you are right I mean what would be the use of monitoring countries we are not at war with. Its not like anyone has ever come uninvited before and bombed the crap out of one of our military strongholds......

Having served aboard submarines for 12 years I cannot believe this decision. So now realize that hostile countries can now park munitions off the coast and be a pain to find, but Flipper can talk to his mom easier. Yes I do love animals, but I happen to prefer the well being of humans.

The answers to both of your questions are literally in the first sentence of the article.

So Trump is giving the log cabin republicans some air time? Will Tebow come out?

I suppose this is the inevitable start of Tim Tebow’s political career.

I don’t mind Christianity, I don’t even particuarly mind fundimental Christianity, but I will not be lectured on morals by anyone willing to support a narcissistic, hate-filled monster like Trump.

Hilarious that even here, you guys take the side of the dude who posts REALLY incindiery stuff over the cops, who were the target

Aren’t there laws against transporting corpses across state lines?

Counter Point.

I have never seen someone mouthing off so much about love and then turning around and calling everyone a cunt and a dumbfuck after being called out for being petulant and fallacious.