
I don’t get one thing: why is US leadership having trouble in attacking ISIL’s oil-related targets in a way that might cause civilian casualties, while it was perfectly reasonable to attack such targets in every other war, as recently as in Libya? If a drone strike can kill half a dozen civilians just because they

Props for the username, though. I have never, anywhere, had somebody create an anonymous account just to target me specifically. I take it as a badge of honor. Cheers to you, UpyoursPhil! I raise a kvass to you!

Well they might be Russian. There are a lot of Russians who come around here and post in English to try to push propaganda.

Ahhh, yes, “I as an American”. Leave it to the Russian sock puppets to be so sensitive whenever you criticize Putin to immediately jump in with their opinions “as a fellow American” as to why you should love Russian policy and hate your own.

You misspelled and misreported “USSR”. Pretty sure it no longer exists.

With the Russian economy hurting as much as it is, ending oil and gas exports to Turkey is likely to hurt Russia as much or more than Turkey. And it might even result in Turkey looking elsewhere for their longterm energy needs, which is bad for Russia.

10 warnings is not an accident. 10 warnings is “What are going to do ab-... oh.”

You’re joking, right? Russia is still playing the part of the petulant, unreasonable child... Last I checked sending hostile warplanes into another country’s sovereign airspace isn’t exactly kosher.

It’s true, I’ll freely admit that. I coasted through two years of art school on my parent’s dime. I bought a house at 22, and part of my closing costs were paid for by my parents. I quit a horrible fucking job at 26 and was able to cash out a CD that had been taken out for me by my grandmother to get through the

Anyone at Gawker asking “where are the ethics” is a hoot. Publish one celebrity’s sex tape one week, deride the Internet for publishing a different celebrity’s nude photos the next.

We’re not even in the same neighborhood as when the Soviets shot down the KLA 747 filled with civilian passengers at the height of the Cold War when Reagan was President.

I’m still with Turkey on this one. They’ve warned Moscow repeatedly over the last few months, and several Russian incursions have occurred without retaliation. I think they’re fed up with Russia probing their border and bombing the rebel groups they support. If the Russian pilots had simply respected Turkish airspace,

Re the SAR helicopter, I can only imagine how pissed off Russia is right now.

If somebody is approaching your airspace on an hostile intrusion course you can warn AND fire on them while they’re outside of your airspace same as the dude with the rifle pointing it at your house.

Nothing discriminate about dumb bombs dropped all over the place. Fortunately, as news reports have made clear, there are NO ISIS in the area, which means Russia has indeed been bombing everyone EXCEPT ISIS. Of course, the ethnic Turks you’ve been randomly slaughtering may have learned a thing or two from ISIS and

I think it’s face-saving to say their jets get shot down from the ground as opposed to by air. An F16 shooting down a Russian jet, no matter how old, implies the West has superior planes.

1. This really was inevitable. Russia running combat operations and making frequent incursions into Turkish airspace was bound to result in a shoot-down eventually.

Turkey also has NATO. Will be interesting to see the dynamics of this play out.

Good to see that Turkey doesn’t have any inhibitions when it comes to defending its airspace. I suspect that most countries, when confronted with a Russian jet, would just let it slide for fear of starting something.