
It's ok to state your beliefs as long as they agree with the liberal media agenda. That is all.

I think we’re on pretty firm ground to assume he’s guilty.

Here are two ideas.

So yes, we’re all still entitled to our opinion that Kane is guilty as fuck, and given his past douchebaggery, I think we’re on pretty firm ground to assume he’s guilty.

You are dumb. She wanted his money thats why she accused him. He is INNOCENT. There was NO Patrick Kane DNA on the woman. If he was guilty, she wouldve never dropped the case.

Actually, he’s not an idiot. No one said Patrick Kane is 100% innocent, but his point is clear, EVERYONE jumped on the bandwagon about how guilty he was right from the start. This is clearly a problem and this is what his quote was in reference.

Well I’m glad Deadspin and Kinja commentariat didn’t rush to judgement on this case.

Obviously a lot of people haven't been following this story closely because, as of today, the most likely crime that occurred was attempted extortion.

Where’s the chants about the accuser falsifying evidence?

I disagree that an accusation means he’s guilty because there “such few” false allegations. They exist. Not to the extent that MRA’s would have you believe, but they do in fact exist. And I would be lying if I said there isn’t some truly horrific gray area when 2 adults are alone together and really drunk at 4am.

He is currently not facing any charges though....

This is why false rape accusations are such bullshit and should be taken way more seriously. This guy is going to be a rapist in many people’s minds for the rest of his career/life, no matter how clearly the evidence points to the fact that he’s obviously innocent.

I would argue getting to the NLCS in itself basically makes any outcome not a collapse. What happened to the Nats this season, collapse. 69 Cubs, collapse. Losing in the NLCS in pretty much any fashion is losing to one of the 2 best teams in baseball that year. No shame there (Especially for a team that started 5


I also liked the part when the Cardinals lost.


Yep, it landed on the scoreboard.

I will not stand for those who are already pre-emptively expressing disgust for Cubs fans and their newfound success. Success eventually gets annoying for every successful team, particularly those in large markets. And I hate when people say “Cubbies,” and I know Wrigley has always been filled with a lot of people who

At least they still have the Blues! Oh.

Fuck St. Louis

Shut up.