We’re suspending players now for something said while in the penalty box? Wow.
We’re suspending players now for something said while in the penalty box? Wow.
Your a dumb hockey fan then. Especially since you have a goon named Ott on your beloved Blue team.
Your opinions are hot garbage
Why risk possible being charged with felony resisting arrest, which the audio can corroborate pretty effectively for the prosecution? Btw are you a lawyer?
The Cardinals and their fans are always so butt hurt for no reason whatsoever. I love it.
Right when I thought this games foul antics couldn't get any more ridiculous, this shit happens.
I really hope you don't tell us how this all turns out in the end.
And that’s just 15% of the budget. Now consider the waste that takes place within our entitlement programs which amazingly makes up 2/3rds of our annual spending. Talk about unsustainable.
I’m going to test this theory later today. I’ll let you know how it goes.
As a Chicago resident this rings very true. A shooting on Michigan Ave. will be a headline story because it’s a rare occurrence, while a shooting on the near south side would barley get a minute segment on the nightly news because unfortunately that is something we have come to expect.
Except they were in Belgium where they had access to literally everything you listed. Better assimilation methods is what’s needed. The fact that there are neighborhoods in western Europe who's residents are openly in favor of enacting Sharia Law is one of many warning signs that needs to finally be addressed..
Then your communities need to do WAY more to prevent these type of harboring’s from taking place, because the track record is pretty piss poor so far.
The whitest basketball game ever played....
“As global warming blesses much of the country with a premature sspring” .... aka El Nino
I still don’t understand how anyone can watch that video and come to the conclusion that he did NOT intend to hurt the official.
Finally. I’m sick of constantly hearing about this clown.
calm down insane person
Isn’t that on the players shoulders to not adhere to the “unwritten rules?”