Adam Smith would be proud. Well said.
Adam Smith would be proud. Well said.
South Korea is just as bad as North Korea???? No. Just no.
I request that you do not post until you complete the following 3 tasks: 1) Understand that the US is not trying to claim this region of the world as it's own, but rather China's smaller neighbors territories that are being infringed upon; 2) Educate yourself on the principle of “Freedom of Navigation” and how it is…
But it allows them, for the first time, to enforce their territory expansion. Anyone can claim territory, but few nations have the power to force smaller nations to accept their new territory claims.
why show it the GOP? It's Obama's early foreign policy gaffs that allowed ISIS and Syria to get to this level of chaos.
Your original post isn’t pending approval.... Earl is officially the dullest tool in the shed.
I could say the same thing about liberal gun control laws (i.e. Chicago) and gang violence, which by the way puts the death toll of conservative whack jobs to shame.
Earl has just been nominated for the Dumbest Comment of the Day Award. Congrats.
In what instance has someone been harmed due to Trumps stupid comments? As someone who disagrees 100% with Trumps ranting’s, please don’t retort his bullshit with bullshit of your own. Very unproductive.
Not knocking your idea. More amused that you honestly believe you can formulate/present a solution to this foreign policy dilemma in an online comments section. Kudos.
Well then what in the hell are you waiting for? Get off your ass, call Putin and let him know he can have Tartus. Problem solved ;)
O really. And how do you do that without possible sparking WWIII with Russia?... Also btw the last time I checked the “Cuban Model” didn’t go so well ....
O wise one. What's your brilliant idea that every world leader so far has failed to grasp?
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink it.
Chicago resident here. Until you personally visit and see what types of neighborhoods (war zones) that police have to deal every single day, kindly STFU.
Because your family lived next to a terrorist training camp....
you substitute ‘Putin’ for ‘Erdogoon’, you might be onto something
The minimum wage debate is an economic issue. Stop trying to turn it into an emotional issue.
Do me a favor and google "NATO."